
虚拟现实 变幻为真

Virtual Reality, from Fantastic to Real

【作者】 吴水保

【导师】 刘云舟;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 电影学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 科幻电影制作中对数字技术的运用是多角度和全方位的,数字技术创造科幻电影逼真震撼、绚烂多姿的影像奇观;数字技术制作下的科幻电影’,其影像叙事逐渐让位于奇观画面,叙事时间也可以更方便的表现非线性结构,画格、画面和形象这三种叙事空间得到有效拓展;数字技术创造了没有现实参照物的数字影像,这大大冲击了巴赞“摄影影像本体论”;相较于传统制作手段下的科幻电影,数字影像赋予观影者感觉上更为逼真的真实效果,这进一步实现了巴赞论述的“完整电影神话”。然而,数字技术是丰富了科幻电影的制作手段,但技术仅仅是技术本身,它要上升到艺术的层面需要创造者的艺术加工,需要数字技术创造的奇观影像与电影的剧情结构、人物形象、情节进展有很好的融合。技术和艺术的发展史证明,新旧技术手段不是相互取代,相反的,它们以叠加的方式共同服务于电影创作。运用传统电影制作技术和表现手段创作的科幻电影依然有其独特的艺术魅力。

【Abstract】 Science fiction film production uses the digital technology in multi-way, which creates all kinds of formidable and realistic image-spectacle. In science fiction films produced with the digital technology, the image-spectacle occupies more important place than the image-narrative; a non-linear structure can be installed more effectively in the narrative time; frame, image and figure-three kinds of narrative space realize an effective expansion. The digital technology can create some digital images without real reference, which gives a great challenge to Bazin’s "Ontology of the Photographic Image". Compared with science fiction film produced in traditional way, digital image gives spectators more realistic impression, and could realize "the Myth of the Total Cinema" formulated by Bazin. The digital technology enriches means of creation for science fiction film, but the technology is just technology that can not arrive at the level of art without an artistic work of creators. The image-spectacle produced by the digital technology must be combined effectively with story, character and narrative. The development of technology and art shows that new and old techniques are not replaced eath other, on the contrary, they serve together the creation of film. The science fiction films using some traditional techniques and means of expression will have their proper artistic charm too.


