

The Communication and Affect of Taiwan TV Variety Shows in the Mainland of China

【作者】 杨思萍

【导师】 张应辉;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,台湾电视综艺节目借由网络这一平台在大陆流行甚广,随着网络视频流媒体技术的发展,台湾与大陆的电视综艺节目更是形成了分庭抗争的局面,为了更好地实现两岸综艺节目的资源共享、合作互利,有必要对台湾电视综艺节目在大陆的传播进行深入的研究。本文的关注点在于台湾电视综艺节目在大陆的传播方式、传播状况和传播特色的研究,重点分析了台湾电视综艺节目在大陆产生的影响,特别是对于大陆娱乐产业的影响,鉴于台湾综艺节目的传播和收视特点以及其产生的不可忽视的影响力,本文也从受众角度分析了如何规避其传播过程中产生的不良影响。通过对这些问题的研究和探讨,希望能够总结两岸在电视综艺节目合作上的成功经验,为未来两岸的合作共赢规划出正确的路径。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Taiwan TV variety shows are popular in the mainland by the platform of natwork. With the development of Internet video, Taiwan and the mainland’s TV variety shows are the Chamber formed a protest situation, in order to share the resource of Taiwan and the mainland’s TV variety shows, To be cooperated and reach the mutual benefit, it is necessary to study how the Taiwan’s television variety shows spread in the mainland. This study focus how Taiwan Tv variety shows transmit and the situation, focusing on analysis of television variety shows in Taiwan and the impact of the mainland, especially the impact of the mainland entertainment industry, in view of the spread of variety shows in Taiwan and audience characteristics and their resulting impact can not be ignored, the paper from the perspective of the audience how to avoid the propagation process of adverse effects. Through the research on these issues and explore, hoping to sum up the two sides on television variety shows to success for the future cross-strait cooperation.


