

The Aesthetic Characteristics and Cultural Representation of Chinese Family TV Series

【作者】 戴四春

【导师】 林焱;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从1985年《四世同堂》开始,家族剧经历了一个迅速崛起并蓬勃发展的历史时期,特别是进入新世纪以来,以《大宅门》、《乔家大院》、《徽娘宛心》、《闯关东》等为代表的家族剧一直是电视荧屏上一支长盛不衰的生力军,不仅创作异常活跃,而且收视也相当火爆,频频在全国掀起收视狂潮。短短二十多年间,家族剧一跃发展成为国产电视剧中较具成熟姿态也较为成功的电视剧文体类型,在大众文化、主导文化和精英文化三元对话的文化语境下,它的成功具有怎样的美学和文化动因呢?带着这样的疑问,笔者将家族剧纳入了研究视野。本文试图从电视剧的创作和观众的审美接受双向互动的角度,在理顺家族剧的概念、类别以及发展脉络的基础上,着重从审美特征和文化表征两个方面来探讨其成功的深层动因。就审美特征来说,具体从“家国一体化”的史诗性追求、宏大叙事观照下的世俗化审美、悲剧意蕴的激情化呈现、文化心理的民族性指涉等四个方面进行分析,彰显了家族剧沉郁雄浑、厚重壮美的美学风范和美学品格;就文化表征来说,它对中国传统文化视野中的地域文化、商业文化以及儒家文化的精神意蕴和文化内涵进行了深层挖掘和展示,并加以现实主义的精神观照,从而使作品具有厚重的文化历史底蕴和强烈的时代精神。家族剧在当代的繁荣,正是两者紧扣时代脉搏,契合受众审美心理和文化诉求的结果。希望通过以上的梳理、分析和研究,揭示出家族剧在当前社会文化语境下繁荣的深层次原因,进而总结“家族剧”艺术创作的经验和规律,以期给国产电视剧的艺术创作提供灵感与启示。

【Abstract】 AbstractSince "Si Shi Tong Tang" was broadcast in 1985, the family TV series has undergone a rapid rise and flourishing period. Especially in the new century, represented by "Da Zhai Men", "Qiao Jia Da Yuan," "Hui Niang Wan Xin "," Chuang Guan Dong ", the family drama has become an enduring force on the TV screen, with enormous creation and extremely high audience ratings. In the past twenty years, the family TV series quickly jumped into domestic television drama as a relatively mature and successful TV series genre. How can we explain its success from aesthetic and cultural perspectives, under the settings where mass culture, dominant culture and elite culture are integrated with each other? With this question, the family TV series has, therefore, entered my research vision.After rationalizing the concept of family drama and its category and development context, this research attempts to explore the underlying motivation of its success in terms of the interaction between the script writing and the audience’s psychology, especially focusing on its aesthetic characteristics and cultural representation. At the beginning, the present study tries to analyze the aesthetic features of the family drama from four aspects, including the epic pursuit of "home and country integration", aesthetic of secularization in the perspective of grand narrative, tragic implication of the passion of presentation and the national character of referential cultural psychology. Besides, this research also tries to figure out the cultural representation of family drama. To be specific, the family TV series deeply explore and present the spiritual meaning and cultural connotation of the local culture, business culture and the Confucian culture, and due to the correlation with the real life the family drama has been featured with cultural deposits and modern spirits. The family TV series is closely linked to the times and fit the psychological and cultural demands of audience, which is the reason for its contemporary prosperity.I hope that the present research can provide some inspiration for the future development of teleplay art, since it reveals the deep reasons for the prosperity of the family TV series under the contemporary social and cultural background and summarizes the characteristics and principles of the family TV series on artistic creation.


