

On Subtitles of Chinese Films for English Audiences: Functional and Communicative Perspectives

【作者】 王明娥

【导师】 岳峰;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会,文化间的交流效应日益凸显,而电影是一种重要的娱乐方式和信息交流方式,在文化交流中扮演的角色不容低估。近几年来,中国的电影越来越多地被介绍到外国市场。因此,为了让外国观众能有效地欣赏中国的电影,为了促进文化交流,影视翻译就显得越来越重要了。与传统的文学翻译相比,影视翻译是新兴的领域,但发展速度却很快。然而,影视翻译的质量还有很大的提升空间。本论文主要基于功能与交际视角,对由中文译成英语的影片做了探索性研究。本论文选取了特定影片中的例子,通过分析,阐释了如何从功能和交际视角来处理语言问题和文化因素,如何选择翻译策略。这些例子主要来自国内为观众熟知的影片。文章根据译者不同的翻译策略,从语言方面、文化负载词和修辞手法三方面入手。第一章介绍了本论文的研究背景,国内外研究历史和现状以及论文的理论基础,研究价值和研究方法。第二章在对影视翻译进行分类的基础上,主要探讨字幕翻译的特点,功能和局限,并把字幕翻译和配音进行了对比。第三章主要从语言方面探讨字幕翻译的策略,这些策略均与译者的目的息息相关,在操作上表现为缩减法,句法结构的转换,方言词汇的移除,和四字格结构的释译。第四章聚焦文化效应,讨论如何处理文化负载词。第五章主要从纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论的视角,探索影片中修辞格的译法,包括双关,隐喻,典故等。第六章是论文的结论部分,对全文内容进行了概括。

【Abstract】 With international communication becoming increasingly prominent nowadays, the role of films as an important means of entertainment, channels of information, and consequently a way of cultural exchange cannot be underestimated. Over the past few years, more and more Chinese films have been introduced abroad. Therefore, the translation of film subtitles deserves our attention as it is expected to enable foreign audience to appreciate Chinese films more effectively and thus to promote cultural exchange. In comparison with traditional literary translation, film translation is a new field but develops quickly. The fact that quality of film translation still leaves much room to be desired in many cases urges the author to conduct this research, focused on Chinese-English film subtitle translation and mainly based on functionalist and communicative perspective.The analysis illustrates how to deal with linguistic and cultural factors in film subtitling, and how to choose translation strategies in the light of Skopos theory of functionalist approaches. The examples are chosen from well-known domestic films. The paper mainly deals with the linguistic factors, cultural-loaded expressions and figures of speech in consideration of the translator’s strategies.The first chapter is an academic review of related studies home and abroad, and also an introduction to the theoretical basis, the value and methods of the research. The second chapter provides a review of the classification of film translations and is concentrated on the characteristics, functions and constraints of subtitling as well as a comparison between dubbing and subtitling. The third chapter focuses on the translation strategies concerning linguistic aspects of subtitling. These strategies include reduction, the transformation of syntactic structure, and effacement of dialect, and the paraphrasing explanation of four-character structures and are closely related to the translator’s purposes. The fourth chapter discusses how to translate cultural-loaded expressions with an eye to cultural impact. Based on Newmark’s semantic translation and communicative translation, the fifth chapter explores the translation strategies concerning figures of speech, such as puns, metaphors and allusions. The sixth chapter is the conclusion in which the main points of the paper are summarized.


