

The Tentative Research on the Common Features of Chopin’s Piano Music and Bellini’s Opera Music

【作者】 徐德贞

【导师】 叶松荣; 洪奕哲;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 波兰作曲家弗里德里克·肖邦(Frederic·Chopin 1810-1849)是西方音乐史上一位杰出的音乐家。他通过自己的创作实践开辟了浪漫主义时期钢琴音乐表现手法的新天地并形成了独具特色的“肖邦风格”。百余年来,他的作品以其独特的艺术魅力激发了各国音乐学者们的研究兴趣。不同于纯粹着眼于肖邦作品自身特征的研究,本文旨在通过对肖邦钢琴音乐与贝里尼歌剧音乐共性特征的分析以了解歌剧对肖邦钢琴音乐创作的影响,笔者希望这能帮助我们从全新的角度理解肖邦的钢琴音乐。为此,本文以历史文献为主要参考依据分别从七个方面对肖邦钢琴音乐与贝里尼歌剧音乐的共性特征进行分析,包括悠长旋律的对称、装饰音的对应、和弦外音的并立、半音阶的并行、华彩乐段的并重、对等的宣叙调旋律以及统一的重唱形式。通过对二者音乐作品存在共性特征的原因分析,我们可以认识到肖邦钢琴音乐创作与歌剧的联系。另一方面,对肖邦音乐创作成长道路的认识对于我们现代音乐创作亦起到一定的启迪和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Frederic-Chopin (1810-1849), an outstanding Polish composer in the history of western music, created new techniques of piano expression during "Romantic Period" and thereby formed the unique "Chopin Style". So for, many musicologists worldwide are still attracted by his artistic charm and study his works.Different from other studies concentrate on the characters of Chopin’s works individually, this dissertation tries to search for the common features of Chopin’s piano music and Bellini’s opera, so that we can understand the influence of opera on Chopin’s composition. I believe it is beneficial to understand Chopin’s piano music from a new angle.Therefore, this dissertation analyzed the characters of both Chopin’s piano music and Bellini’s opera music based on historical documents from seven aspects, including the symmetry of continuously singable lines, the correspondence of the ornaments, the coexistence of non-chord tones, the parallel of chromaticism, the equal importance of (?)denza, the equivalent of recitative and the uniform partsinging. By the analysis of causes, we are able to understand the relationship between Chopin’s piano composition and opera. On the other hand, understanding the development of Chopin’s composition will emerge a positive influence on creating modern music.

【关键词】 肖邦贝里尼音乐共性歌剧
【Key words】 ChopinBelliniMusicCommon featuresOpera

