

Emergy Analysis of Regional Industrial Ecosystem

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 黄民生;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 在追求可持续发展的当代,工业园区造成的环境污染成为亟待解决的问题。采用科学的评价方法对其工业生态系统进行定量衡量,是促进工业系统与自然生态系统和谐发展的重要前提,为工业园区的管理和发展提供科学指导。本论文运用能值分析方法,对1996-2007年福州经济技术开发区的工业生态系统进行实证分析,采用能值密度,能值货币比率,废弃物能值比,环境负载率等一系列指标分别衡量其经济、自然、社会亚系统的可持续发展情况。得出结论:在经济可持续发展方面,12a间福州经济技术开发区工业生态系统呈现较稳定的发展,但与国内发达地区相比还存在较大差距,且经济效益的显现具有明显的滞后性,系统对外的经济影响力有限;自然可持续发展方面,从逐年上升的环境负载率可以看出系统的经济发展对环境资源的压力仍在增加,系统排放的废弃物还有较大的再利用潜力;社会可持续发展方面,反映居民能值福利明显提高但在国内水平不高,且滞后于总体福利的增长,说明能值福利除了受能值总量的影响,还一定程度受到了人口增长的影响。综合可持续发展指数下降,由0.15降至0.11,处于一个较低水平。论文针对该工业生态系统的各能值特征和指标评价结果,提出了加大力度建设生态工业园等措施。

【Abstract】 While we pursue sustainable development on the contemporary, the environmental pollution caused by industrial parks is urgent to be solved. A quantitative evaluation of its industrial ecosystem by using scientific appraisal methods is an important prerequisite to promote harmonious development of industrial system and ecosystem, and provides scientific guidance for the industrial park’s management and development. In this paper, using emergy method to analysis the industrial ecosystem of Fuzhou Economic-Technological Development Zone from 1996-2007, and using emergy density, emergy money ratio, emergy waste ratio, environmental loading ratio, etc to measure its natural sustainable、social sustainable and sustainable economic development separately. Conclusions were as follows:At the aspect of sustainable economy, the industrial ecosystem of Fuzhou Economic-Technological Development Zone showed stable development in this 12 years, but there is a significant gap compared with domestic economically developed regions, and the economic efficiency shows hysteresis to some degree, the external economic influence of system is limited; At the aspect of natural sustainable, according to the environmental loading ratio increased year by year, the environmental pressures caused by economic development is still increasing. The potential for reuse wastes of system is considerable; At the aspect of social sustainable, it reflects a significant promotion of emergy benefits of the residents but not a high level at the national level at home, and lag behind the growing of overall benefits, it is shows that the emergy benefits is influenced by population to a certain extent, besides the total emergy. The integrated sustainable development indicators declined, from 0.15 to 0.11, at a low level. To point against those emergy features and evaluations results of the industrial ecosystem, this paper proposed some measures such as strengthen the building of eco-industrial park.


