

Our Nation’s Reconstruction of the Optimized Institution during the Institution Changing of Agricultural Insurance

【作者】 黄凌

【导师】 陈少晖; 杨立英;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 经济思想史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着“三农”工作的深入开展,农业保险以其风险转移、减轻财政支出、促进农业生产稳步发展的强大功能定位,在新时期保障农业生产发展中作为有效的政策工具、金融工具被提上了政府工作的重要议程。2004年伊始,中央在连续七年的一号文件中均对发展“政策性农业保险制度”做出了明晰而又稳健的指示。在多项优待政策、补贴力度的支持之下,我国的农业保险制度逐渐摆脱了旧有体制羁绊下的低效益、低需求的状况,但是还有诸多历史遗留的问题困扰着现代农业保险制度的发展,其中的制约因素发人深思。本文从马歇尔的消费者剩余理论出发,探究从福利经济学的视角如何扩大消费者剩余、生产者剩余从而达到市场总剩余的最大化,也就是福利最优的终极目标。再以诺斯的制度变迁理论以及路径依赖理论,揭示出几次农业保险制度变迁路径选择的依据,以及绩效欠佳的理论成因。在进一步评析农业保险制度绩效之前,文章有必要对农业保险制度自建国前的萌芽阶段到建国后发展、变革的路径做一个完整的梳理,然而我们发现两次的农业保险制度变迁虽然在一定程度上取得经济上、福利上的成效,但还有若干体制上的问题没有解决,路径依赖以及交易费用很好解释了变革不彻底的原因。我国政策性农业保险制度构建尚处起步阶段,经验上的不足急需参考发达国家成功的农业保险制度构建案例,本文选择制度模式与我国较为接近的美国及日本,总结了它们在农业保险制度的法制建设、组织体系建设、政策供给、农险保障范围方面的成功经验。最后,文章分别从构建生产者剩余最大化和消费者剩余最大化出发,从六个方面重塑我国农业保险制度的福利最优框架。

【Abstract】 With the "three rural" work carried out in-depth, depending on the powerful positioning of risk transferring, reducing fiscal spending, promoting the agricultural steady development, agricultural insurance is taken as the effective policy tool and financial tool during the protection for agricultural production. Meanwhile it has been put on the important agenda for the government affairs. Since 2004, the government has made clear and steady instructions in developing "policy-oriented agricultural insurance system" on the first file during the continuous seven years. On the supporting of several preferential policy and subsidy effort, the agricultural insurance system gradually gets rid of the low efficiency and low demand interrupted by the old institution. But there are still many history problems harassing the development for agricultural insurance system. The restraining factors arising from the system provoke us deep thought.The article takes the consumer surplus theory of Marshall as starting point, from the welfare economics aspect researching how to expand the consumer surplus and producer surplus to arrive at the goal of maximum for the total market surplus, which is the final goal of the welfare optimum. Then it relies on the institutional change theory of North and path dependence theory, revealing the evidence for the path choice during the agricultural insurance system change and the theoretic reasons for poor performance. It’s necessary to card the process the infancy period before the founding of nation and the development and change after the founding of nation for agricultural insurance system before we analysis the performance of agricultural system further. However we found although there are some economic and welfare effects in the two agricultural insurance system change, the problems born in the system are left behind. The path dependence and the exchange cost can explain the cause why the change is incomplete. The construction of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance system for the nation is still on the starting stage, lack of the experience calls for consulting the successful case of developed country in constructing agricultural insurance system. The article chooses America and Japan which have the similar system mode with our nation, concluding their successful experience on the legal construction, organization system construction, policy supply, agricultural insurance protection scope. Finally, the article starts from constructing maximum for the producer surplus and consumer surplus, rebuilding the optimum welfare framework of our nation’s agricultural insurance system in six aspects.


