

Analysis on the Problems of Anxi Tieguanyin Product Brands and Suggestions to the Problems

【作者】 俞鸿

【导师】 刘泓;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,许多安溪铁观音生产、经营企业获得了知名度和市场认可。但在品牌传播过程中,也出现了不少问题。本研究以安溪铁观音产品品牌为主要研究对象,从以下两个方面进行梳理和探讨:一、品牌构成的隐性要素系统。对安溪铁观音品牌个性模糊不清的问题进行了剖析,认为其原因是企业定位雷同,只有从自身资源和消费者需求出发,寻求合理的定位,才能解决个性模糊的问题。二、品牌构成的显性要素系统。命名有失雅致、雷同、缺乏国际视野,标志意义表达不清、缺乏识别性和艺术性,包装忽视茶的核心气质、雷同,标识语诉求点相似、忽视消费者。并据此建议安溪铁观音命名、标志、包装、标识语创作时注重文化内涵、以消费者为中心。本研究还就新的传播条件下安溪铁观音品牌的传播提出了看法和建议。在事件营销、体验营销、公共关系、终端、互联网、品牌联盟等传播载体和手段上,对安溪铁观音品牌传播提出建议。

【Abstract】 In recent year, many corporations which in the business of Anxi Tieguanyin have won great popularity and recognition from market. But there are some errors in the process of brand communication.This study targets at the product brands of Anxi Tieguanyin corporations, try to figure out the errors and the misunderstandings in both recessive and dominant brand elements, then,making suggestions to each of them. First, in the system of recessive brand elements, there is a problem of indistinctity of brand individuality. The reason has been the similarity of brand positioning. To settle this problem, the brands should seek for a proper position in terms of its strengh, shortage as well as target customers’needs.Second, there has been errors in the dominat brand elements. Snobbishness, similarity,lacking of international perspctives have been the naming tatoos. meaninglessness, inherent distinctiveness and the absence of artistry have been the problems in logo design. Besides, the packaging has been disturbed by neglecting the temperament of tea and imitating. Last but not least, the solgans also suffering from imitating and ignoring customers’needs.The study also makes some suggestions for products brands of Anxi Tieguanyin in brand communication, especially in the aspect of event marketing, experimental marketing, PR, POS terminal, internet, brand alliance.

  • 【分类号】F273.2;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】546
  • 攻读期成果

