

A Study of the Avant-Garde Poets’ Views Upon Poems in the New Era of Chinese Literature

【作者】 林志伟

【导师】 席扬;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在新时期文学二三十年的历史时段跨度里,先锋诗歌经历了朦胧诗、第三代诗及90年代的个人写作三个连续且各具鲜明特征的嬗变阶段,引发了多次的大型论争,在当代文坛甚至社会上产生了一轮又一轮的冲击,具有深远的影响。在这一诗歌流变过程中,先锋诗人们不断发出自己的声音,阐述其超前的思想观念、新颖的艺术形式和对诗歌创作的看法。这些诗人们的诗论,既是诗歌历史发展的见证,也是诗歌文本创作的经验,是中国当代诗学建设中非常重要和直接的部分。探讨新时期各阶段代表性先锋诗人的诗论,或许是研究中国当代诗学理论建设一条行之有效的途径。本文试图在这一方面作出尝试和努力。

【Abstract】 This past three decades has witnessed the beginning and development of the haze poems, the third generation poems and individual writing of poems. And they also triggered some argumentation about the definition and the functions of poems, which have impact on the literature. During the process, the Avant-garde Poets made their voices heard, explaining what their ideas about the poems. Their points of view on the poems, are not only the witness of the historical development of poetry in the period, but the experience of production which is the important part of the development of contemporary Chinese poetry.Investigation on the Avant-garde Poets’ views upon poems maybe helpful for the reserch on the contemparary Chinese poems. The thesis is my first survey on this field.


