

The Study of Liu Yuxi’s Prose

【作者】 苏文根

【导师】 李小荣;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 刘禹锡的散文在中唐曾获得巨大的声誉,后世对其散文也多有评价和研究。本文以刘禹锡散体单行、不刻意押韵的散文为研究对象;从目前学术界的研究现状出发,对刘禹锡散文的思想内容和风格特点两方面进行了研究,认为刘禹锡散文中所反映出的政治思想和文学思想是前后贯串、自成体系的,并通过文本分析和对前人评价的解释,认为刘禹锡的散文具有自身独特的艺术特点,在叙述方式、选景角度等方面都有别于韩愈和柳宗元的散文。

【Abstract】 Liu Yuxi’s prose won a great reputation in Mid-Tang Dynasty,and there are many evaluation of Liu Yuxi’s prose in the later. From the current status quo of academic research, this paper will study on the content and style of Liu Yuxi’s discrete single, non-rhyming prose.In this study, we found that the political thought and literary theory of Liu Yuxi are self throughout, self-contained.By the research on the senior’s evaluation,we can find that Liu Yuxi’s prose has its unique artistic features and is different from Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan’s.

【关键词】 刘禹锡散文古文政治思想文学思想
【Key words】 Liu Yuxiproseancient prosepolitical thoughtliterary theory

