

Rhetoric Study of Ancient Literary Inquisition

【作者】 刘旭琴

【导师】 朱玲;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现今有关文字狱的研究成果,主要集中在史学、文化、文学、律法学等领域。本文则把视角延伸到修辞学学科,将古代文字狱纳入广义修辞研究的范畴。不难发现,文字狱不仅是社会历史现象,也是修辞过程和修辞作品。本质上,它其实就是一个附着在言语交际活动表面,信息从表达到接受的众多运动系列的集合。文章紧扣文字狱的修辞本质,以“文字”、“知识分子”、“帝王及其权力系统”这三个修辞义素为核心,归纳出了它的四种修辞角色关系。并依托此角色关系,从修辞主体身份、修辞意图、修辞策略和修辞信息各个层面,论述了文字狱修辞活动的两种修辞模式,得出“文字狱是区别于一般修辞的政治修辞”的结论。也正是因为它本质上是政治修辞活动,因而才会很难将它与纯政治事件区别开来。文章还对文字狱修辞活动中最常见的辞格使用情况做了分析论述。整体上,从文字狱修辞信息与整个“修辞场”各要素相互作用的动态过程,运用“言语交际全过程”法,把握它的生产及运作机制。

【Abstract】 So far, research results on the literary inquisition, mainly start from the history, culture, literature, law and other aspects. Now, this article will extends the view to the rhetoric subject, and incorporate the ancient literary inquisition with theoreticalnotion of generalized rhetoric. Easy’to see that literary inquisition is not only a social and historical phenomenon, is also the rhetorical process and the rhetorical work. Essentially, it is actually a surface attached to the verbal communication activities, and information received from the expression to the collection of the many sports series. The article closely link to the rhetorical nature of literary inquisition, and centering "writing", "intellectuals" and "Emperor and his power system"——the three rhetorical elements, then summarize four roles relationship from them. And rely on this structural relationship, from the rhetorical status, rhetorical intentions, rhetorical strategies and rhetorical information perspective, discuss the two kinds modes of literary inquisition rhetorical activities, and produce the conclusion that "literary inquisition is the political rhetoric which is different from the general rhetoric". Is precisely because it is essentially a political rhetoric activities, and therefore it will be difficult to distinguish between a purely political event. The article also analysis the most common use of speech issues in literary Inquisition rhetoric activities. Overall, from dynamic process in which the inquisition information and various factors of the "rhetorical field" interaction, use "the whole process of verbal communication" method, to grasp the mechanism of its production and operation.


