

The Research about the Vocational Education Training for Peasant Labor in Fujian Province

【作者】 余金通

【导师】 邱永渠;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 农民工职业教育培训研究是一个事关党的十六大提出的建设社会主义新农村、培养一支有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民的重要课题,也是深入学习实践科学发展观、大力发展职业教育以及加快建设海峡西岸经济区的客观需要。本文运用调查法、文献法的研究方法,从分析福建省农民工职业教育培训的内涵入手,着力分析了福建省农民工当前职业教育培训的内容、形式、意义、现状及存在的问题和原因;着重分析了阳光办、劳动和社会保障、教育、工青妇等部门开展农民工职业教育培训的成效。在此基础上本文提出解决福建省农民工职业教育培训存在问题的根本出路在于:一是针对农民工职业教育培训存在的问题而采取合理的对策,构建农民工职业教育培训的体系,改革中等职业教育体制,建立面向农村地区的免费中等职业教育体制,从源头上解决后备农民工的职业教育问题,实现温家宝总理所提倡的“职业教育就是就业教育”的目标;二是建立健全农民工职业教育培训的保障机制,从政策法规、组织管理制度、资金投入、培训评价、办学创新等方面给予农民工职业教育培训以人力、物力、财力、信息等方面的保障,保障农民工职业教育是面向人人教育,实现“无业者有业、有业者乐业”的职业教育目标。

【Abstract】 The research about the vocational education training for peasant labor is an important task to bring up a group of new pattern peasants who have knowledge and technology. It is also an important task according to the policy about constructing the new socialistic country put forward in the No.16 Congress of Chinese Communist Party. It is a need of studying and practicing Scientific Outlook Thinking on Development, developing vocational education and constructing Economic Region in West Bank across the Taiwan Strait.This thesis analyzes the content, form, significance, actuality, problem and course about the vocational education training for peasant labor in Fujian Province nowadays according the investigation and literature, beginning with the analysis the connotation of it. It analyzes for stress the effect of the vocational education training for peasant labor by the department about Sunshine Office, laboring, social security, education, labor union, youth and femineity. Basing on that, this thesis put forward the outlet for the problem of the vocational education training for peasant labor in Fujian Province lies in two aspects. First, take reasonable countermeasure, construct the training system, reform the system for secondary vocational education and establish the system for free secondary vocational education facing the country area. Thus it can resolve the problem of the vocational education training for peasant labor in support. And last realize the objective of "Vocational Education is Education of Obtaining Employment" called for by the Premier Wen Jiabao. Second, establish and perfect the ensure system for the vocational education training for peasant labor to provide the guarantees for the training in manpower, material resources, financial, information, and so on from the aspects of policy and law, the system for organizing and administering, fund, training estimate, innovation in running a school, and so on. Try to ensure the vocational education training for peasant labor is the education facing every one; realize the objective of "obtaining employment for those without employment, dedicating to the job for those with employment."

【关键词】 农民工教育培训对策保障
【Key words】 Peasant LaborEducation TrainingCountermeasureGuarantee
  • 【分类号】G726
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】202

