

Study on the Affinity of Universities Political Instructors

【作者】 林斌

【导师】 潘玉腾;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高校政治辅导员是高等学校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,是高等学校从事思想政治工作,开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生的“人生导师和健康成长的知心朋友”。这就要求辅导员不仅要追求理想的“任务”结果——“教育人、引领人、鼓舞人、鞭策人”,也要求思想政治工作者在工作过程中充满“关系”和谐——“尊重人、理解人、关心人、帮助人”。高校政治辅导员亲和力,是指辅导员在管理、服务大学生的过程中,具有和大学生关系友好,使之认同并言行趋同的能力,是指辅导员对大学生在心理上和行为上所产生的一种崇高的影响力,是一种积极肯定的教育关系的表现。它对于学校、辅导员和大学生三者具有重大的意义。一是它是构建和谐校园的前提;二是大学生主体性地位的需要;三是它促进了辅导员工作的可持续发展。然而,当前高校政治辅导员亲和力低于学生的期望值,两者关系存在着情感上的淡漠,管理上的失谐,生活上的距离等问题。我们发现除了外部环境的因素外,辅导员自身也存在着诸多问题。辅导员亲和意识欠缺、角色定位不准、示范性不强、沟通手段单一的局限性等等造成了高校辅导员亲和力不高的境地。因此,树立和提高政治辅导员亲和力就显得尤为紧迫和重要。通过建立柔性学生管理制度,加大辅导员在其工作领域所涉部门的话语权,提高大学生在政治辅导员工作考核评价中的主体地位等优化辅导员工作环境,通过在观念上重视亲和力,以身作则赢取认同,厘清和学生互动中的角色和关系,艺术沟通拉近距离等方法是树立和提高辅导员亲和力的有效途径。

【Abstract】 As a crucial part of college teaching and managing staff, universities political instructors serve to be the backbone in carrying out the work of university students’ ideological and political education, the guiders of their life and intimate friends to help them grow healthily. Thus, political instructors are not only required to drive for the ideal "duty-oriented" achievements---"educating, guiding, inspiring and encouraging", but also to cultivate harmonious relationship with students during the working process---"being respectful, understanding, considerate and helpful".Universities political instructors’affinity refers to their ability to convince students to pattern on while maintaining a friendly relationship with them during the process of management and service work, a spiritual influence exerted on students concerned with their psychology and behaviors, and the representation of the positive relationship in educating. It is of great significance to the school, political instructors and students respectively. Firstly, it is the prerequisite for building a harmonious atmosphere in campus; secondly, it is the necessity to establish the student-oriented pattern in school work; thirdly, it helps to promote the sustainable development of political instructors’work.However, universities political instructors’affinity is below students’expectation currently. Problems like indifference in emotion, disharmony in management and estrangement in daily life, etc. exist between them. The reasons lie in the external factors as well as in political instructors themselves. Political instructors do not enjoy high affinity due to their weak awareness, improper role definition, insufficient demonstration and limitation of monotonous way to communicate, etc.Thus, it is particularly urgent and important to foster and develop the affinity of political instructors. The followings are suggested to be the efficient ways to achieve affinity:to establish a more flexible managing system, to empower political instructors more say in the departments involved in the work, to enhance the principal role of students in assessing and evaluating political instructors’work, to optimize the working condition for political instructors, to attach more importance to affinity, to set a good example and win recognition, to clarify political instructors’roles in the interaction with students and their relationships, and to communicate with students skillfully to bridge the distance with them.

【关键词】 高校政治辅导员亲和力关系
【Key words】 universitiespolitical instructorsaffinityrelationship
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】268

