

The Curriculum Mode Reform Research of Applied Electronic Technology in Secondary Vocational Schools

【作者】 杨少妹

【导师】 黄仁贤;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电子行业的发展和电子技术的进步,社会对人才的素质有了更高的要求。要使中等职业学校电子技术应用专业的毕业生能适应电子行业实际的发展需要,推进中等职业学校课程模式改革是关键。本论文分成绪论、中等职业学校的培养目标和课程模式理论、中等职业学校电子技术应用专业课程的现状及存在问题、中等职业学校电子技术应用专业课程的改革策略和结论五个部分。本文采用的研究方法主要有:文献检索法、问卷调查法、访谈法和比较法。本文以市场和行业的需求为导向,对工作岗位职业能力进行分析,确定了电子技术应用专业的培养目标,并以培养学生岗位职业能力为出发点,从构建模块化课程体系、改革课程内容、优化课程实施、改进教学评价体系和加强教师专业化队伍建设五个方面入手,系统阐述了中等职业学校电子技术应用专业课程改革策略。

【Abstract】 With the development of electronic industry and electronic technology, society has a higher request to talented person’s quality. In order to make applied electronic technology graduates from secondary vocational schools to adapt actual development needs of the electronics industry, the key is to promote the curricular model reform in secondary vocational schools.This paper is divided into five parts. Section 1 is introduction. Section 2 is curricular model theory and training objective of secondary vocational schools. Section 3 is the status and problem of the curriculum of applied electronic technology in secondary vocational schools. Section 4 is the curriculum reform strategy of applied electronic technology in secondary vocational schools. Section 5 is the conclusion.In this paper, the main research methods are:literature search, questionnaire survey, interviews and comparison.This paper takes the demand of market and industry as the guidance, analyzes the professional ability for work, and then determines the training objectives of applications of electronic technology. In this paper, we take fostering the professional ability of students as the starting point and systematically expound the curriculum reform strategy of applied electronic technology in secondary vocational schools from five aspects which are about building a modular course system, reforming the curricula, optimizing the curriculum implementation, improving the curriculum evaluation system and strengthening the professionalization of teachers.

  • 【分类号】TN0-4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】236

