

A Research on Measures of Agricultural Industrial Structure Adjustment under Low-Carbon Economy Mode

【作者】 顾正兴

【导师】 邹志荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济的持续增长,人类的生存环境也随之不断恶化,而气候变暖已成为全球生态环境恶化的首要原因,气候变暖的主要根源是源于大量温室气体的排放,而农业是温室气体的第二大排放源。与此同时,资源供给与需求增长之间的矛盾日趋激化,已成为制约国家经济社会可持续发展的严重阻碍。因此迫切需要用低碳发展理念促进经济发展,并通过加快农业产业结构调整来发展低碳农业,促进农业节能减排,减少农业温室气体排放,实现农业可持续发展。改革开放30年来,云南的农业农村经济增长是以“先污染后治理、先开发后保护”为特征的经济增长模式,主要依赖于资源的大量消耗,不仅造成了资源的大量浪费,还伴随着大量温室气体的排放和生态环境的破坏,极大地制约着全省农业农村经济的可持续发展。当前,云南农业产业结构存在的主要问题有以下五个方面:(一)从农业内部结构来看,结构性矛盾突出。(二)从农业产业结构体系的完整性上看,农业环保产业发展不足。(三)从农业产业的技术进步情况看,产业整体技术水平低下。(四)从产业布局上看,产业布局不尽合理。(五)从节能环保来看,资源节约型、环境友好型产业发展滞后,低碳农业发展不足。总之,云南当前的农业产业结构现状已严重制约农业农村经济的可持续发展,因此必须要在低碳经济下对云南农业产业结构进行调整,以形成科学合理的农业产业结构,为云南农业农村经济发展提供新动力、拓展新空间、开辟新领域。低碳经济下的农业产业结构调整须要遵循三大基本原则,即产业结构合理化、产业结构高级化和产业结构生态化原则。按照这三大原则,对云南农业产业结构调整的历史、现状及结构调整优化进行分析,结合云南农业发展实际,提出低碳经济下云南农业产业结构调整应坚持如下方向:(一)加快种植业结构调整,在稳定粮食生产的前提下大力发展经济作物和饲料作物种植,并不断提高资源利用效率,减少温室气体排放。(二)积极调整林业内部结构,大力发展经济林、用材林、生态林和薪炭林,提高碳汇水平,增加农民收入。(三)加速调整畜牧业内部结构,大力发展饲草型畜禽的生态养殖,节约粮食,降低资源消耗,减少温室气体排放。(四)稳步调整渔业内部结构,大力发展渔业特色养殖,推广稻田水产养殖,大幅提高水面利用率。

【Abstract】 With the continuing development of the world economy, human bing’s living environment is getting worse and worse. Global warming is the most important reason of zoology despravation. The main reason of global warming is that we have let out too much greenhouse gas, in which, agricultural greenhouse gas is the second important resource. At the same time contradiction between resource providing and requirement increasing is becoming sharper and sharper, which has become the main obstacle ahead of the continuing development of our country. So we must develop our economy with the idea of low-carbon economy and develop low-carbon agriculture as well as the adjustment of the agricultural industry develop sustainably, we must save energy and let out less agricultural greenhouse gas.After thirty years’reform and opening up, the mode of the rural economy development of Yunnan is so called“recovery comes after pollution, protection comes after development”, which mainly depends on much waste of resources, thus it not only wastes enormous resources but also hold back the continuing development of Yunnan agricultural industry and economy as well as letting out much greenhouse gas and leading to ecological environment destruction. Nowadays there are five aspects about the problems of Yunnan agricultural industrial structure as follows. Firstly, the contradiction of structure stand out extremely. Secondly, seen from the total structure of agricultural industry, the agricultural environment protection has not developed fully. Thirdly, seen from the development of agricultural technology, its total technology of agriculture is very backward. Forthly, the placement of agriculture is not reasonable. Fifthly, seen from energy saving and environment protection, the industry of energy-conservation style and environment-friendly style has not developed successfully, and low-carbon agriculture has not developed fully. Generally speaking, nowadays, the structure of Yunnan agriculture has badly held back the sustainable development of economy. So the structure of Yunnan agriculture must be adjusted in order to form scientific and reasonable structure of agricultural industry, provide new energy, expand new space and open new fields for Yunnan rural economic development. We must obey the three basic principles involved the agricultural structure of the low-carbon economy, that is the reasonable industrial structure, the advanced industrial structure and the eco-industrial structure. According to the three pricinples, we can analyse the history and present situation, then optimize the adjustment of industrial structure, intergrading the practical development of Yunnan province. On condition that we can stabilize our food production, I will put up with four objects on the adjustment of Yunnan agriculture concerning low-carbon economy. First, we must speed up the adjustment of planting industry, develop the industry of economic plants and feeding plants. At the same time, raise fuel-efficiency and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas. Second, we must adjust the inner structure of forestry, try out best to develop economic trees, timberland, eco-trees and fuel trees and improve the level of carbon collect so as to increase farmer’s income. Third, we should adjust the inner structure of stock raising as soon as possible and develop eco-cultivation of grass-feeding domestic birds and animals to reduce the consumption of food, lower the waste of energy and reduce the greenhouse gas. Forth we must adjust the inner structure of fishery steadly, do our best to develop distinctive fishery, extending rice field fishery and improving the efficiency of surface of rice fields.

【关键词】 低碳经济农业产业结构调整对策
【Key words】 Low-carbon economyAgricultureIndustrial structureAdjustmentMeasure
  • 【分类号】F327;F205
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1029
  • 攻读期成果

