

Study on Application of Plants’ Colors in the Landscape Architecture

【作者】 费中方

【导师】 弓弼; 李战修;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 风景园林, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “人”作为园林景观中最活跃的因素,一切园林景观的设计都应该为之服务。随着物质文明与精神文明的极大发展,园林在人们的生活中占得比重越来越大。这些年低碳生活,可持续发展的生活倡导,园林植物更成为园林构成元素中的重中之重,它们的颜色、形态和寓意构成了丰富多样的园林景观,而其中植物色彩是给观者最直接触动的景观要素。本论文探讨研究园林植物色彩景观的配置及营造,从色彩理论、植物的色彩搭配原则、生态特点等多方面较系统研究园林植物色彩景观的搭配形式。从更高的层面认识和理解园林植物的色彩景观构成对园林景观形成在现代生活中的重要作用,强化园林植物色彩对场所、气氛的体现作用。多年的工作学习实践积累了感性认识的基础材料,而大量的成熟色彩理论又提供了理性的依据,提高了本人对园林植物景观色彩设计的认识。再通过理论研究、比较分析、归纳总结等研究方法,使本人可以展开本次研究。本论文以色彩学理论为依据,阐述了园林植物景观色彩带来的不同认知感,论述了中国古典园林、法国园林、意大利台地园以及英国风景式的园林的风格和特点。本论文主要研究园林植物的色彩美及其应用。通过对植物色彩多种搭配形式的探讨研究,得出了一些成功的搭配类型。

【Abstract】 Flowed with the development of the material civilization and spiritual civilization, landscape become more important in our life. Plants are important elements of landscape design, giving people the first strong impression of view, whose color, style and culture connotation compose the rich view of landscape.What’s more, the article systemically narrates the designing process from color’s theory, composing principle and ecology habit, analyses forms and reasons of landscape color’s difference among various gardening style from the aspect of historical development. It helps recognizing and understanding the construction of landscape plants’colors from a macroscopical angle, strengthens the conjunction among the plants’colors, space and style.This article synthetically uses ways of comparative and example analysis and summary, and the examples mainly are author’s own inspecting materials.Also, the mutual color theory offers reasonable base, changing the recognizing angle of landscape plants’color. Discuss the different kinds of plant color of china traditional landscape, France Le Notre landscape ,Italy terrace landscape and British nature landscape.This article research the beautiful color of plant. Through analysis different kind of plant collocation, to sum up some fine sample.


