

Research on the Influence of the Social Capital of Entrepreneurial Team to New Firm Growth in Technology-based New Ventures

【作者】 秦明青

【导师】 黄昱方;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在高科技创业过程中,创业所需的各种技术能力和管理能力等单凭创业者个人往往是不够的,创业团队的重要性凸显出来。因此,高科技企业在创业初期通常是以团队形式创业的,关于科技型新创企业创业团队的研究正在成为理论界的研究热点。在市场竞争日趋激烈和外部环境日趋复杂的背景条件下,能否从外部环境中获取创业所需资源是创业团队的一个重大挑战,也是影响新创企业成长的一个重要因素。本研究选取科技型新创企业创业团队为研究对象,从社会资本视角研究新创企业成长。社会资本的研究主要有两种观点,一种是“桥梁式”观点,强调行为主体与外部的联系,把依赖于行为主体与外部的联系给企业带来的资源总称为外部社会资本;另一种是“内粘式”观点,强调内部成员的互动。本研究选取外部视角,把创业团队社会资本界定为“创业团队成员在其外部创业环境中通过社会关系网络获取的实际或潜在资源的总和”。Nahapiet&Ghoshal最早创立了从结构、关系与认知三维度测量组织社会资本的理论框架。J.Liao&H.Welsch在这个理论框架基础上,开发出适合一般企业的社会资本量表,并对社会资本与企业成长的关系进行了研究。本研究首先在理论借鉴的基础上提出相关研究假设,构建了科技型新创企业创业团队社会资本对新创企业成长的影响模型。然后,针对科技型新创企业的特点,结合创业团队结构特征,本研究对J.Liao&H.Welsch的社会资本量表进行修订,开发出适合科技型新创企业创业团队的社会资本量表,探讨科技型新创企业创业团队社会资本对新创企业成长的影响。此外,本研究还探讨了年龄、性别、学历、创业经验、创业团队规模等控制变量对科技型新创企业创业团队社会资本获得水平和新创企业成长水平的影响。以31个创业团队的102份问卷为有效样本,利用SPSS17.0统计分析工具进行统计分析,通过实证研究,本研究得出如下结论:(1)科技型新创企业创业团队的社会资本及其三维度因子与新创企业成长之间存在不同程度的正相关关系;(2)结构资本和认知资本因子对新创企业成长的预测性影响不显著,而关系资本因子对新创企业成长具有较强的预测力;(3)学历和创业经验对科技型新创企业创业团队社会资本具有显著的调节作用,创业经验对新创企业成长水平有显著调节作用。根据本研究结论,科技型新创企业创业团队可以通过提高社会资本水平促进新创企业成长。依据研究结果,本研究建议科技型新创企业:加强与政府、金融机构、创业园区等社会关系网络内其他行为主体的交流合作;加强创业人才的素质教育和培训力度;制定吸引高技术人才的政策。

【Abstract】 In the process of technology-based entrepreneurship, it is difficult for one entrepreneur to master all of the technical and management capacity that is necessary for entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurial team is prominent. Therefore, in the early days, most of the technology-based firms are created by teams. The research about entrepreneurial team of technology-based new ventures is becoming hot spots of theoretical circles. In the condition that market competition becomes much severer and external environment becomes much more complicated, resources acquisition from external environment becomes a major challenge for entrepreneurial team and it is also an important factor that affects new firm growth. This study chooses entrepreneurial team of technology-based new venture as object of study, exploring the new firm growth from the perspective of social capital.There are two views about the study of social capital. One is the bridging view, focusing primarily on the external linkages of the actor, and calling resources that obtained from the actor’external linkages as external social capital. The other is the bonding view, focusing primarily on the interaction among members. This study selects an external perspective, and social capital of entrepreneurial team is defined as "the sum of the actual and potential resources obtained by members of entrepreneurial team through the network of relationship in their external business environment". Nahapiet&Ghoshal first created a theoretical framework to measure organizational social capital from structural dimension relational dimension and cognitive dimension. Based on their framework, J.Liao&H.Welsch developed a social capital scale for general enterprise and explored the influence of social capital to firm growth. Based on their study, firstly, the paper proposes relevant research hypotheses, and constructs the theoretical model of the influence of social capital of entrepreneurial team in technology-based new venture on new firm growth. Then, according to the characteristics of technology-based new ventures, combining entrepreneurial team structure characteristics, the paper revises J.Liao&H.Welsch social capital scale, and develops social capital scale of entrepreneurial team that is suitable for technology-based new venture, exploring the influence of social capital of entrepreneurial team to new firm growth. In addition, the paper also explores the influence of control variables, such as the age, gender, education, business experience, entrepreneurial team size and so on, to the level of social capital and new firm growth.Based on an useful sample of 102 questionnaires of 31 entrepreneurial teams, using SPSS 17.0 for statistical analysis, the paper reaches the following conclusions:(1) entrepreneurial team’social capital and its dimensions have positive correlation with new firm growth;(2)structural capital and cognitive capital cannot forecast efficiently new firm growth; while relational capital can forecast efficiently new firm growth;(3)in technology-based new venture, education and business experience have significant adjustment function to social capital of entrepreneurial team and business experience have significant adjustment function to new firm growth. According to these conclusions, entrepreneurial team can promote new firm growth by improving the level of social capital. Based on these findings, the paper suggests technology-based new venture:strengthening exchange and cooperation with actors such as government, financial institutions, entrepreneurial park in their social relation networks; strengthening education and training of scientific and technological talents; formulating policies to attract high technology talents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

