

Research on High Quality and Production Cultivation Mode of Fructus Quisqualis and Its Spreading Measures

【作者】 陈加红

【导师】 寿森炎; 孙利祥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 种植, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 通过分别从重庆、广东、广西收集的三个使君子地方品种进行品比试验,选择适合在浙江及重庆种植的优良品种,开展种植方法、密度、耕作技术及病虫害防治等研究,建立高产优质栽培模式。并对该优质高效生产模式的推广措施做了研究。主要结果如下:1、从重庆、广东、广西这三个地方品种中筛选出重庆这一地方品种,其抗逆性强,适应性较广,平均亩产量760kg,比广东地方品种高20%。2、以重庆地方品种为试验材料进行了扦插、种植密度等试验。茎扦插配合使用薄膜和遮阳网,能明显提高成活率;插条宜选用当年生的木质化枝条。密度以10cm×10cm时成活率和苗床利用率高。栽植密度一般以200×200的密度为宜。3、以重庆地方品种为试验材料,进行了选地、整地、田间管理等优质丰产关键技术研究。4、建立了使君子高产优质栽培模式,并提出了相应的推广措施。

【Abstract】 The research aims at choosing fine breeds of fructus quisqualis suitable for Zhejiang and Chongqing based on comparative tests of three local breeds of fructus quisqualis collected respectively from Chongqing, Guangdong and Guangxi.Detailed research has been done on planting methods, planting density, cultivation techniques, plant diseases and insect pests control, a high quality and production cultivation mode and its spreading measures. Findings of the research are as follows:1.Chongqing local breed of fructus quisqualis has been screened out for its good survival ability and adaptability, with an average acre yield of 760 kilograms,20% higher than that of Guangdong local breed.2. Trials concerning cuttage, planting density, and so on have been made with Chongqing local breed of fructus quisqualis.Use of film and shading net in stem cuttage obviously increases survival ratio. Lignified branches of the current year are suitable to be used as quicksets. High survival ratio and seedbed use ratio are achieved in a planting density of 10cm×10cm, and a cultivating density of 200x200 is preferable.3. Findings of main high production techniques have been achieved concerning field choice, field preparation and field practice, after trials with Chongqing local breed of fructus quisqualis.4. A high quality and production cultivation mode has been found, and its corresponding spreading measures have been put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

