

The Research on Regional Landscape Designing with Integration of Nature and Culture

【作者】 丁毅

【导师】 倪琪; 徐秀杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 风景园林, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济快速增长和城市化进程日益加速的今天,中国的城市景观也面临着生态恶化、特色匮乏等多重危机的压力。对于传统文化的因循守旧、固步自封以及对于西方外来文化的盲从都会将中国景观带入无所适从、不能自拔的境地。在这样的情形下,对于景观的地域性和地域性景观的研究就显得尤为重要。地域性景观是当地自然景观与人文景观的总和,它是当地自然条件和人类活动共同影响的历史产物。它因地制宜充分地考虑场地的自然地理特征,尊重场地的原本属性,反映当地的地域文化,是最能体现地方特色的景观形式。不仅如此,地域性景观还同时具有开放性和独特性的特点,它是具有生命力的景观形式,能够在不断地变化发展中保持相对的稳定性。因此地域性景观设计是融和了人与自然、传统与现代、地方性与全球性的成熟的设计方法。本文从景观、地域、地域性出发,通过对相关案例的调查分析,深入研究了地域性景观的成因以及演变历程,从自然与人文两个方面对它的构成要素以及属性进行了分析,利用多个典型案例的借鉴和比较,力争寻找到一条符合我国自身特点的景观设计道路,以此来唤起人们对于地域性景观的关注和重视,促进我国景观环境设计领域的健康发展,构建和谐的人居环境。

【Abstract】 With rapid economic growth and ever evolving urbanization, urban landscape in China is under great pressure from deterioration of eco-system as well as lack in diversity. It would be going to trap China’s landscape into a dilemma if we were to keep stubborn adherence to traditional Chinese culture and blind obedience to Western culture. Study on the regional landscape is important under such circumstances,Regional landscape, which results from natural conditions and human activities throughout history, is combination of natural and cultural factors. It embodies regional characteristics by taking careful consideration of different facets of the region, including its geographical elements, the nature of local landscape and its regional culture. Furthermore regional landscape is open and unique, keeping relatively stable through continuous changes. Therefore regional landscape is a mature design model which smoothly integrates human and nature, tradition and modern facts, local and global elements as well.This paper, starting from concepts like landscape, region and regional, gives an in-depth study on causes and evolution of regional landscape. Besides it analyzes nature and elements of regional landscape from perspectives of nature and culture respectively. By comparing a variety of typical cases, this paper tries to figure out an appropriate landscape design model with Chinese characteristics to stimulate pubic awareness of regional landscape, healthy development of landscape design and construction of a harmonious living environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

