

Study on the Risk-control of Hotel Human Capital Investment Basing on the Different Cognitive View

【作者】 孙琼

【导师】 林岚;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 旅游业是国民经济和现代服务业的重要产业。饭店在旅游业中具有重要的地位和作用。目前,饭店行业面临一个重要的问题是员工流失严重,这影响了饭店业的整体服务质量。为此,对人力资本投资风险进行有效调控,就成了饭店业尤其是高星级饭店急需解决的重要问题。福州是我国优秀旅游城市,国家级历史文化名城,如今在“海峡西岸旅游区”和“海峡西岸经济区”建设的新形式下,其旅游业的发展前景广阔。因此,基于高星级饭店在饭店业发展中的典型标杆性意义,以福州市高星级饭店为研究案例,最终促进福州市饭店业整体的健康发展,有利于加快福州饭店业与台湾饭店服务业对接与合作。因此,本研究具有一定理论意义和应用价值。本文在人力资本投资相关文献和基本理论梳理的基础上,采用文献研究法和实地调查法,在分析福州饭店人力资本投资现状的基础上,以福州市高星级饭店人力资本为研究对象,从决策层与基层员工的相互感知的差异角度出发,对福州市高星级饭店人力资本投资风险的规避和防范做出探讨,力图较为科学地诊断福州市高星级饭店人力资本投资风险的问题症结,以有效提出饭店人力资本投资风险调控的原则和途径。

【Abstract】 Tourism is an important industry of national economy and modern service. Hotels in the tourism industry play an important role. At present, the hotel industry is facing an important issue that a serious drain on staff, which affected the hotel quality of service. Being one of the best tourist cities in China, the famous national historical and cultural city, Fuzhou is now Building a new form in the " Channel West bank tourist zone " and the " Channel West bank economic zone ", having broad development prospects. Basing on the typical benchmarking significance of high-star hotels n hotel industry, and taking the high-star hotels in Fuzhou as a studying case, would promote the healthy development of Fuzhou hotel industry, and speed up the hotel Service Industry docking and cooperation between Taiwan and Fuzhou.Therefore, this study has certain theoretical significance and application value. Basing on sorting out the documents and the basic theories about human capital investment, using the literature research and field survey methods, analyzes the status of human capital investment, and takes the human capital of high-star hotels in Fuzhou as the research object, and then analyzes the difference perceives between the decision-makers and junior staff, researches into the risk avoidance and prevention to search out the real problem of human capital investment risk of high-star hotels in Fuzhou.

【关键词】 福州饭店人力资本投资风险调控
【Key words】 Fuzhouhotelhuman capital investmentrisk control
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】90

