

Harmonious Beauty

【作者】 林毓君

【导师】 汪文顶;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 和谐是汪曾祺的追求。本文从语言、文本、文体三个层面,以文本细读的方法逐步阐释和谐美在三个层面的构成和内涵,试图把握汪曾祺散文的精神内核,尝试揭示汪文的和谐在当下的意义。汪曾祺散文和谐之美首先体现在语言层面。本文通过具体的文本分析,揭示其散文语言表层呈现出的文白杂糅的和融状态和语言深层的文化意味。文本的和谐之美体现为静观态度、入世精神和艺术的人生三个层面。汪曾祺散文的艺术的人生融合了儒家的入世和道家的静观,呈现出一种适世的人生态度。这种适世包含了人解放自我,向生活敞开生命的超脱精神,也容纳了人皮实地生活在当下,于普通生活中发现诗意的审美姿态。这使汪文的艺术的人生带有了普世的意义。和谐之美的第三层是闲话风文体。这种文体的选择固然有作者气质的因素,也融入了作者对创作和阅读两者和谐关系的思考。作者和读者的平等关系、创作和阅读因留白而体现的参与互动,以及力图达到滋润——这一作者和读者的心灵沟通、情感共鸣的效果,都彰显了作家向读者开放的创作观。总之,和谐之美是作家自觉的追求。这种追求在以描写人生的张扬为主的文学史里,是不多见的。汪曾祺散文也因此获得了它在文学史的地位和意义。

【Abstract】 Harmony is what Wang Zengqi has been seeking for. In this article, intending to comprehend the fundamental spirit of the writer, by close reading I illuminated step by step the harmonious beauty of layout and implication in three aspects, i.e., language, text and style. By doing so, I endeavored to unveil the significance of harmony running through Wang’s prose.First of all, harmonious beauty of Wang’s prose reflected in its language. In this essay, through detailed text analysis, I explored the outer layer of its language featuring the harmonious mixing of classical Chinese language and popular Chinese, and its profound level, the culture implication. Harmonious beauty in text reflects in three aspects, Taoist whisht theory, Confucian living attitude and artistic view of life. Integrating Confucian living attitude with Taoist whisht theory, in his prose Wang expounded his artistic view of life which advocating adapting into the realistic world. This "adapting into the realistic world" gave expression to not only the unworldly spirit encouraging liberation of humanity and free life, but also the aesthetic attitude initiating to live realistically, courageously and artistically even in the ordinary life which made Wang’s artistic view of life be of the universal significance. Besides, choice of the Chat style as the third layer of harmonious beauty of Wang’s prose could be associated with author’s temperament; nevertheless, there is no denying that it was integrated into author’s thoughts on harmony between creation and reading. The equal relation between writers and readers, interaction of creation with reading arousing by the suspense of the works, the spiritual communication and emotional resonance benefiting both writers and readers, all these could reflect that the writer held open-minded creation attitude toward his readers. All in all, harmonious beauty is what the writer consciously pursued, which is rarely seen during the literature history mainly demonstrating the depictions of the aggressive life attitude, thus Wang obtained his position and significance in literature history.

【关键词】 汪曾祺散文和谐
【Key words】 Wang Zengqiproseharmonybeauty
  • 【分类号】I207.6
  • 【下载频次】260

