

A Study of Regulating the Behavior of the Agency from the Perspective of Fighting Corruption and Building a Clean Government

【作者】 余华建

【导师】 林少敏;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 公共管理理论与实务, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中介组织是市场机制的重要组成部分,是市场经济健康运行的重要保障,是参与社会管理和公共服务的重要力量。当前我国中介组织存在大量的不规范行为,严重扰乱了市场经济秩序,侵害了市场主体的利益,同时加剧了政府权力不规范运行,引发了商业贿赂等腐败行为。因此,把规范中介组织执业行为纳入社会领域防治腐败工作范畴,既是规范和完善中介组织发展的治本之策,也是促进惩治和预防腐败体系建设的重要举措。本文在对国内外研究成果和实践经验进行归纳总结的基础上,从反腐倡廉建设的角度提出了中介组织的涵义、特征和类型,回顾了我国中介组织发展的历史轨迹,探讨分析了中介组织滋生腐败的表现形式、特点及其原因,并积极借鉴了福建省规范中介组织执业行为的经验和加拿大加强中介组织监管的启示,最后透过反腐倡廉建设的视角,提出规范中介组织执业行为的新途径和新机制。总体思路是既要从“法律规范、行业自律、政府监管”入手,又要注重“规范权力运行、健全市场机制、完善中介组织”有机结合,为中介组织健康有序发展营造良好的社会大环境,构建强有力的保障和约束机制。

【Abstract】 The agency is an important part of the marketing mechanism, as a guarantee of the proper functioning of the market economy and a power to participate in the social management and public service. However, a mass of the non-normative behavior exists in the Chinese agencies, which severely disturbs the order of the market economy, infracts the interests of the subjects of the market, meanwhile aggravates the abnormal functioning of the governmental power and triggers the malversation, such as business bribery. Therefore, the inclusion of the regulation of the agency in the category of the prevention of corruption in social areas is not only a permanent strategy to regulate and perfect the agency, but also the important measure to promote the punishment and prevention of the corruption system. In this study, based on the summarization of the research results home and abroad, the definition, characteristics and types of the agency are put forward. The historical development of the agency in our country is reviewed. The manifestations, characteristics and causes of the corruption breeding in the agency are discussed, taken the Fujian and Canadian experiences for references. Finally, the new routes and mechanisms of regulation the agency from the perspective of fighting corruption and building a clean government are proposed, that is, starting with making the law control, the profession self-discipline, and the government inspect; putting an emphasis on regulating the functioning of the power, and perfecting the mechanism of the market in order to build a favorable social climate for the exuberant and well-ordered development of the agency.

  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【下载频次】124

