

The Effect of Cooking and Storage on Sensorial, Nutritional and Functional Properties of Celeries

【作者】 彭燕

【导师】 陈健初;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 食品科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着配餐食品的兴起以及人们对食物营养性的追求,在烹饪加工和配送过程中尽量保持食品的各种感官、营养品质具有十分重要的意义。芹菜(Apium graveolens)营养丰富,富含黄酮类化合物,具有很好的营养保健功能。芹菜在我国各地一年四季都有栽培,是配餐食品中最常见的绿色蔬菜种类。因此,对芹菜在烹饪加工和配送条件下的品质变化的研究具有重要的指导意义。本实验选用本芹、西芹为实验对象,研究了漂烫、蒸、微波、油炒4种烹饪加工方法以及冷、热两种配送贮藏条件下,芹菜的感官、营养品质和功能性成分的变化情况,主要结论如下:(1)研究了几种烹饪方法对芹菜的感官和营养品质的影响。结果表明,4种烹饪方法都降低了两种芹菜的水分、pH值,增加了可溶性固形物含量;烹饪后,芹菜的硬度降低脆性减弱,外观的绿色色泽加深;漂烫使得本芹、西芹的叶绿素含量分别增加了26.46%、18.34%,蒸、微波、炒后,叶绿素含量略有降低,但差异性不显著(P>0.05);4种烹饪方法都显著降低了芹菜中的可溶性蛋白质和抗坏血酸含量(P<0.05),漂烫使本芹、西芹中可溶性蛋白含量下降了37.93%和39.62%。油炒使抗坏血酸损失50%以上,蒸后本芹、西芹中的可溶性蛋白和抗坏血酸保留率最高;烹饪后芹菜中膳食纤维含量有所下降。(2)研究了烹饪后芹菜中总酚含量和黄酮类化合物含量的变化情况,并测定了DPPH和FRAP体系下的抗氧化能力。经过烹饪,本芹、西芹中的酚类物质含量上升,增大程度依次是炒>微波>蒸>漂烫,抗氧化性随之增高。FRAP体系中,油炒后西芹的Trolox当量由新鲜的3.69m/100g鲜重增加到12.48mg/100g鲜重;本芹、西芹的总黄酮含量在烹饪后降低,微波烹饪后分别减少了29.63%和34.33%。漂烫后芹菜素含量的损耗最大,本芹由2.440mg/100g鲜重减少为1.186mg/100g鲜重,且漂烫与其它3种烹饪方法对芹菜素的影响有显著性差异(P<0.05)。本芹中的黄酮类物质含量高于西芹。(3)研究了蒸、炒后的本芹在保温箱中贮藏7.5小时和在4℃冰箱内贮藏5天时芹菜品质的变化情况。结果表明,在保温箱、冰箱贮藏时,随着时间延长,芹菜的硬度、叶绿素和抗坏血酸含量都逐渐减少,但总酚含量和抗氧化能力却显著增加。相对于保温箱贮藏,4℃冰箱贮藏能在较长的时间保持芹菜良好的食用品质。

【Abstract】 As the boom of catering and highly valued nutrition, it’s very meaningful to study on how to keep the sensorial and nutritional quality of catering food during the cooking and distribution. Celery (Apium graveolens) is full of nutrition and bioactive compounds such as flavonoids. Celeries, cultivated all country around in four seasons, are one of the most popular green vegetable species used in catering. As a result, it’s very important to study on the effect of cooking and storage on the quality changes of celeries. In this paper, the changes of sensorial and nutritional quality as well as bioactive composition on two kinds of celeries (Chinese celery and Western celery) during different cooking methods (blanching, steaming, microwave heating, stir-frying) and storage (cold storage, tempering storage) was studied. The main conclusions of this research are given as follows:(1)The effect of different cooking methods on sensorial and nutritional quality of celeries was studied. Results showed that the moisture contents and pH value were reduced while the total soluble solids contents increased after 4 kinds of cooking. Hardness and brittleness were reduced after cooking while the surface color was deepened. The chlorophyll contents on Chinese celery and Western celery after blanching were increased by 26.46%,18.34% respectively. Steaming, microwave heating, stir-frying reduced the chlorophyll contends of two kinds of celeries, but there were no significant differences. The contents of soluble protein and ascorbic acid on celeries after these 4 kinds of cooking methods were significantly lower than that on fresh celeries (P>0.05). Blanching made a decrease of 37.93% and 39.62% of soluble protein contents on Chinese celery and western celery. The ascorbic acid contents had a more than 50% loss after Stir-frying. The soluble protein and ascorbic acid on celeries were better reserved after steaming compared with other 3 kinds of cooking methods. Dietary fiber contents declined in both kinds of celeries after cooking.(2) The contents of total phenols and 5 kinds of flavonoids as well as antioxidant capacities in DPPH and FRAP system were also studied. The total phenol contents increased after cooking and the increasing degree was stir-frying>microwave heating >steaming>blanching. There was a similar increase on antioxidant capability. In FRAP assay, TEAC (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity) of Western celery changed after stir-frying from 3.69mg/100g FW to 12.48mg/100g FW. Total contents of 5 kinds of flavonoids detected on both Chinese celery and Western celery decreased. There were respective 29.63% and 34.33% loss on Chinese celery and Western celery after microwave heating. Blanching caused the greatest loss of apigenin contents, for example, the contents in Chinese celery reduced from 2.440mg/100g FW to 1.186mg/100g FW which had a significant difference compared with other cooking methods (P<0.05). The result also indicated that total content of 5 kinds of flavonoids detected in Chinese celery was higher than that in Western celery.(3) The changes of some sensory, nutritional and bioactive compounds in cooked (steaming, stir-frying) Chinese celery which was stored at cold and tempering condition were also studied. The results indicated that the hardness, contents of chlorophyll and ascorbic acid were all gradually decreased while the total phenol contents and antioxidant capacity increased significantly during the storage. The sensory, ascorbic acid and total phenols contents were better kept for a longer time when stored in a 4℃refrigerator.

【关键词】 芹菜烹饪贮藏感官营养酚类物质抗氧化
【Key words】 celeriescookingstoragesensorynutritionphenolicsantioxidant capacity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

