

Industrial Cluster Circum-Bohai Sea Port Logistics Layout Optimization Research

【作者】 赵园园

【导师】 张宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 产业集群是一种相关的产业活动在地理上或特定地点的集中现象。作为当前颇具特色的经济组织形式,集群内的企业通过互动的合作与交流,可以发挥规模经济和范围经济的效益,同时也可产生强大的溢出效应,带动某一地区乃至整个国家经济的发展。在我国东部沿海地区,很多产业集群正蓬勃发展,如纺织业、汽车制造业、钢铁行业、家电、医药等行业。物流业是融合运输业、仓储业、货代业和信息业等的复合型服务产业,是国民经济的重要组成部分,涉及领域广,吸纳就业人数多,在促进产业结构调整、转变经济发展方式和增强国民经济竞争力等方面发挥着重要作用。2009年3月10日,国务院印发了关于《物流业调整和振兴规划》的通知,把现代物流产业列为当前重点扶持的十大产业之一,物流业在经济发展中已上升到战略地位。目前,产业集群已成为增强区域产业竞争力和经济活力的关键,物流活动为产业的发展保驾护航,促使集群企业降低成本,减少资本投入,扩大市场规模,提高竞争优势,提高获取信息的能力,便于经营规划,减少风险和不确定性因素,为集群企业带来巨大效益。产业的聚集又为物流业发展提供空间,产业集群与物流系统之间存在着十分密切的协同关系。随着对外贸易的往来频繁,港口运输得到了飞速发展,从而催生了港口物流业。中国拥有1.8万km海岸线,11万km内河航道,承担着9%的国内贸易运输和85%以上的外贸货物运输,沿海沿江有1460多个商港①。港口和物流的发展是相辅相成、互相促进的关系。物流涉及到综合运输,外贸货物的物流更以港口为最好的交汇点。不少沿海港口和大的内河港口都是公铁水联运的货运中心,是交通运输的枢纽。可以说港口是物流链上一个十分重要的部分,物流的发展离不开港口的服务,而物流的兴起和发展又为港口的进一步发展创造了新的机遇,提出新要求。港口作为现代物流链中一个无可替代的重要节点,因其独特的禀赋特征促进了港口物流产业集群的形成。物流产业的发展不是孤立的,而是建立在产业集群的基础之上的。产业集群通过协同效应所显现出来的竞争优势,日益受到关注。因此,如何将产业的集群化发展和物流业的兴起有效的结合起来,从而提出适应环渤海经济区域发展要求的港口物流布局优化策略成为本文研究和探讨的问题。在我国物流业全面对外开放、环渤海产业集群日益发展的背景下,本文在深入研究产业集群理论、港口物流的形成机理、竞争优势以及物流与产业集群协同发展的理论基础上,剖析了环渤海产业集群及其港口物流发展概况,并进一步分析环渤海港口物流发展中存在的问题以及发展港口物流的有利条件,随后,运用主成分聚类分析法对环渤海港口物流发展进行综合评价并分类,为港口物流布局优化提供依据。最后,综合上述理论以及对环渤海产业发展趋势和物流市场需求分析,提出港口物流布局优化的建议。

【Abstract】 Industrial cluster is an industrial phenomenon in which related industrial activities concentrate geographically or concentrate in a specific location.As a quite distinctive form of current economic organization, the enterprises within the clusters can earn the superiority of Scale economy and Scope Economy through interactive cooperation and communication, and can also produce a strong spillover effect, promote economic development within a region or even a nation. In the eastern coastal areas of China, many industrial clusters are booming, such as textile clusters, car manufacturing clusters, iron and steel industry clusters, home appliances clusters, medicine and other industry clusters and so on.Logistics industry is a comprehensive service industry that integrates transporting, warehousing, freight transportation and information industry. It is an important part of a nation’s economy, because industry involves wide ranges of industries, employs large number of employee and consequently plays an important role in the industrial structure adjustment and economic development mode transformation and the enhancement of national economy competitiveness. On March 10th,2009, the State Council issued "logistics industry restructuring and revitalization plan", in which modern logistics industry became one of the ten industries to be supported by the nation. As a result the logistics industry has risen to a strategic position in China economic development.Currently, industrial clusters have become the key to enhance regional industrial competitiveness and economic vitality. The logistics industry can bring a huge benefit for the cluster companies through reducing the cost and capital input, raising competitive advantages and the ability to gain information, so the cluster companies can improve their business planning, reduce risks uncertainties. On the other hand, industrial clusters can provide development space for logistics. There is a kind of synergetic relationship between industrial clusters and logistics system.With the growth of foreign trade, the port transportation has been rapidly developed, which gave birth to the port logistics industry. China has 18,000 km coastline,110,000 km inland waterway, undertakes 9% of the domestic trade and transport and 85%of the foreign goods transportation, and there are more than 1,460 commercial ports along the coasts 1. Port transportation and logistics development are in a complementary, mutually reinforcing relationship. Logistics involves integrated transportation and the best meeting point of the foreign trade goods logistics is the port. Large number of coastal ports and river ports are the center and hub of highway and railway and water way transportation. Ports are a very important part of logistics chain, the development of logistics is inseparable from the port services, and the rise and development of logistics has created new opportunities and new requirements for the further development of the port.As an important node in an irreplaceable logistics chain, ports have promoted the formation of the port logistics industry cluster because of its unique natural endowment features. Logistics industry is not developed isolated, but on the basis of industrial clusters. Through the synergistic effect industrial clusters have shown great competitive advantages, which is drawing more and more attention. Therefore, how to effectively combine the development of industry cluster and the rise of logistics industry to propose a layout optimization strategy of port logistics to adapt to the development requirements of the Bohai economic region thus becomes the issue to be studied and explored in this article. In a context where the logistics industry is completely open in China, and the industry clusters around Bohai are growing by the day, on a theoretical base to study the industrial cluster theory, the formation mechanism and competitive advantages of the port logistics, and the synergic development between logistics t and industrial clusters this in-depth article makes a thorough analysis on the development survey of industrial clusters and port logistics circum-Bohai sea, and further analyzes the problems and advantages to develop port logistics circum-Bohai sea, and then, evaluates and classifies port logistic development through Principal Component Cluster Analysis method to provide the basis for layout optimization of port logistics. Finally, according to the above theory and the industry development trends circum-Bohai sea and logistics market demand analysis, this article proposes the optimization strategy on circum-Bohai sea port logistics layout.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

