

A Study on Cosmetic Advertising Language Characteristics

【作者】 周磊

【导师】 沙宗元;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广告语言研究是当前应用语言学领域的研究热点。目前针对化妆品广告语言的研究相对来说还比较薄弱,需要开展更为全面、细致的专门研究。本文试图从汉语语言学的视角,从不同侧面对化妆品广告语言进行较为系统深入的探析。研究的目的在于通过对大量化妆品广告语料的具体分析,总结化妆品广告语言在语音、词汇、语法方面的特点,分析化妆品广告语言体现出的女性化特色和审美特色。本文共分五章:第一章是绪论,主要对化妆品、广告、广告语言这几个概念进行界定,明确相关概念之间的界线,确定研究的对象和范围。此外,本章还对化妆品广告语言的研究现状进行了综述,阐明本文研究的目的和意义以及研究的方法和思路。第二章主要针对化妆品广告语言的内部结构层面,深入分析化妆品广告语言在语音、词汇、语法三个方面的运用规律和特点,总结化妆品广告语言的结构特色。概括来说,在语音上,化妆品广告语言呈现出节奏感强、韵律和谐的特色;在词汇使用方面,其特点是常用词类主要以名词和形容词为主,具有强化记忆,突出功效的作用,偏爱颜色词、外来词,也是其词汇使用方面的重要特点;在句类和句式使用方面,陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四类句式都常用,但陈述句、祈使句用得较多,句式上常用短句、肯定句式。第三章着重分析化妆品广告语言的女性化特征。化妆品广告语言受目标受众——女性消费者群体的影响,体现出比较明显的女性化特征:化妆品广告语言注重修辞手法的运用,以提高化妆品广告语言的艺术表现力,凸显化妆品广告语言的女性化特色。第四章从化妆品广告语言的情感、语音和句式三个方面进行分析,揭示化妆品广告语言的审美特色。第五章是结语部分,对全篇的主要观点和重要结论进行归纳总结,阐述本文相关研究的作用、价值和意义。本文在对大量化妆品广告语料进行充分分析的基础上,借鉴前人的研究成果和方法,对化妆品广告语言特色进行一些尝试性分析,以期在一定程度上揭示化妆品广告语言的结构特点和语言运用特色,为广告语言学的深入研究提供一定的助益;本文的相关研究结论能够帮助消费者更好地认识和了解化妆品广告以及化妆品广告语言;本文针对化妆品广告语言的专题研究,将为本领域或者相关领域的广告设计制作人员策划广告文案提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 The study of advertising language is the focus of the applied linguistics, which is relatively weak and needs entirely meticulous research. This thesis carries on systematic and thorough analysis on the advertising language of cosmetics in view of Chinese linguistics. Based on the concrete and abundant analysis, the author tries to summarize and analyze the features of its pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, as well as the feministic and aesthetic characteristics. This article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is exordium, which tries to define the concept of cosmetics, advertising and the advertising language. Furthermore, this chapter comprehensively elaborates the present situation of the cosmetics advertising language, as well as its purpose, value and methods.In view of the internal structure, the second chapter attempts to summarize the structural characteristics and present the deep analysis of the pattern and the features of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Roughly, the cosmetics advertising language is fairly rhythmical, in terms of its pronunciation while the vocabulary mainly consists of the nouns and the adjective which, to some extent, help to strengthen memory and exert its efficacy.Another important feature is the preference of color words and loan words. Besides, declarative sentence, imperative sentence, exclamatory sentence and interrogative sentence are frequently used, though the former two are much more popular and briefer.The third chapter emphatically analyzes the feministic characteristics of the cosmetics advertising language. As is known to us, the language is easily influenced by female customers, showing fairly noticeable feministic characteristics:the great importance is attached to the application of rhetoric devices in order to improve its expressive force and feministic features.To manifest the aesthetic features, the forth chapter analyzes the feeling, the pronunciation and the sentence structure of the cosmetic advertising language.In the last chapter, the author summarizes the main points and discusses the meaning and the value of the research. Based on the analysis of corpuses and the previous research results, the author tries to analyze the features and disclose the characteristics of the structure and utilization, which lays the basis for further study of advertising linguistics. The research conclusions in this paper could help customers to further learn the cosmetic advertisement and its language. Moreover, the special research for the cosmetic advertising language in this thesis could, more or less, provide the reference for advertisement plan。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

