

A Study on Port Economic Development Model Based on Industrial Cluster

【作者】 王二冬

【导师】 杨家其;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展和港口服务功能的提升,港口经济已经成为区域经济发展的增长级。港口经济作为对内、对外的双向开放型经济,在一国经济的发展中占据着至关重要的地位。二战后日本经济的复苏,20世纪亚洲“四小龙”的出现,以及我国珠三角、长三角、环渤海等沿海地区的崛起,都说明了港口经济在区域经济发展中的重要战略地位。以增强竞争力为出发点的产业集群理论,越来越受到各行业专家的重视。本文应用产业集群理论研究港口经济发展模式,采用理论研究与实证研究相结合、微观研究与宏观研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法,对港口产业集群发展模式进行了全面的研究。本文首先阐述了港口经济的基本理论,分析了港口经济发展现状的一些主要特征:以发展航运服务为重点、港口腹地经济一体化、依托港口建立自由贸易园区和实行港口战略联盟。然后引入产业集群理论,总结了港口产业集群的内涵,分析了港口产业集群的形成机理:区位条件是港口产业集群形成的重要因素;现代港口是港口产业集群形成的基本条件;港口城市是港口产业集群发展的依托。从微观和宏观两个方面分析了港口产业集群的效应。微观效应:提高企业生产效率;降低企业经营成本;保障企业劳动力供给;享有区域品牌优势;共享区域网络资源。宏观效应:加速专业化市场的建立;通过乘数效应带动相关产业发展;对城市经济的扩散效应;推动区域经济发展。提出了三种港口产业集群发展模式:以港口航运业集群为主的航运中心模式、以临港工业集群为主的制造中心模式和以现代服务业集群为主的金融中心模式。接着对港口产业集群发展模式进行了比较,总结了国外港口产业集群的发展经验和启示,建立了我国港口产业集群发展模式选择模型,用改进的灰色斜率关联度模型分析港口各产业与港口的关联度,用区位商法分析港口各产业的集聚程度。在此基础上,对广州港口产业集群进行了实证分析,指出广州港口产业集群发展模式应选择以临港工业集群为主的制造中心模式,同时积极发展与港口相关的生产性服务业。最后,针对这一模式提出了一些发展思路。

【Abstract】 Port economy becomes the important growth pole in the development of regional economy with the development of the global economy and the growth of the port service. As internal and external bi-directional open economy, port economy occupies a crucial position in the economic development of a country. Japan’s economic recovery after World WarⅡ, the emergence of Asia’s "four little dragons" in the 20th century, as well as the rise of China’s Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, and the Bohai Sea coastal areas. All of these show that port economy’s important strategic position in regional economic development.The industrial cluster theories, which start from the competition capacity study, is appreciated by many researchers of different industries. This paper applied the industrial cluster theories to the development model of port economy cluster, using methods combining theoretical and empirical research, combining micro and macro research and integrating qualitative and quantitative research for comprehensive study on the development model of the port industrial cluster.This paper firstly describes port economy theory, analyzes several key features of the port economic development status:focusing on the development of shipping services, economic integration between port and hinterland, establishing free trade zone rely on port and implement port strategic alliance. Then introduces industrial cluster theory and sums up the content of port industry cluster, analyzes the formation mechanism:geographic condition is an important factor in the formation of port industry cluster; modern port is the basic condition in the formation of port industry cluster; port city is the development relying of port industry cluster. Then analyzes the effect of port industry cluster in micro and macro aspects. Micro aspect: improve production efficiency; reduce operation cost; protect labor supply of enterprises; enjoy the advantages of regional brand; share regional network resources. Macro aspect:accelerate the establishment of specialized markets; drive development of related industries through multiplier effect; spillover effect on the urban economy; promote development of regional economic. Then proposes three development model of port industry cluster:shipping center model based on the port and maritime industry Cluster; manufacturing center model based on port-surrounding industry cluster; financial center model based on modern service cluster. Then compares the three development model of port industry cluster with each other, sums up the development experience and inspiration of the foreign port industry cluster, and establishes the selection model of China’s port industry cluster’s development model. Then uses the improved gray relative model to analyze the correlation between the port industry and port, and uses location quotient to analyze the concentration degree of the port industry. Based on these, analyzes the development of Guangzhou’s port industry cluster, and points out that the development model of Guangzhou port industry cluster should be the manufacturing center model based on port-surrounding industry cluster, and develop port-related producer services at the same time. Finally, proposes a number of development ideas for this model.


