

Industrial Heritage and Local Social Changes in Wuhan

【作者】 许晓斌

【导师】 王智;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 自清末洋务运动开始引进西方近代工业技术起,我国现代工业已经走过了150余年的历史。经历了从晚清到民国,再到新中国,几代工业人的努力,今天我们正快步走向建设新型工业化社会的道路之上。但遗憾的是,那些曾经辉煌过、见证了国家现代化、工业化从无到有,从小到大历史进程的各具特色的工业遗址,随着日益加快的城市改造建设和工业布局调整,或在被蚕食、拆毁,或在被整体代替,正快速消失于我们的视野之中。工业遗产是工业文明的遗存,它们不是毫无用处的废弃物,也不是供人玩乐的古董。它作为工业文明的见证,伴随着时代进步、社会变迁、历史演进与文化的传承。任何历史时期,任何地方,在接触、接受和进行工业化的过程中,必然参杂了鲜明的地方特色,可以说一个地区工业化的进程是和当地社会的变迁、历史的演进、文化的传承是密不可分的。因此,这种伴随着社会变迁而形成的工业遗产,作为一种符号深刻的反应着一个城市的变迁和社会的变化。保留这些符号,也就是保留了城市的历史、保留了城市的风格、保留了那些见证城市变化的回忆。武汉市雄踞中部,经历了晚清、民国和新中国三个历史时期,在中国社会发展的每一个阶段都扮演了重要的角色,发展至今已经成为中国重要的工商业中心。持续、快速的工业化和城市化进程,使得武汉经济发展得到了推进,但是不可避免地使得大量珍贵工业遗产被拆除和废弃。本文通过对武汉工业发展脉络的分析以及对近现代工业遗产存量的详实调查,勾勒出一幅描写武汉工业遗产的现状图,并以此为依据,分析伴随着社会变迁过程中的工业化给人们带来的改变,同时印证工业遗产的重要价值。以提出几点关于武汉工业遗产保护的建议。

【Abstract】 Since the Qing, the Westernization Movement was first introduced to the Western modern industrial technology, the modern industry in China has gone through more than 150 years of history. Experienced from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, to the new China, the efforts of several generations of industry people, and today we are going quickly to build new road of industrialization on society. Unfortunately, those who have been brilliant to witness the country’s modernization, industrialization from scratch, from small to large historical process of the different characteristics of industrial sites, along with accelerating the construction of urban renewal and industrial layout adjustment, or be eroded, destroyed, or replaced by a whole, are rapidly disappearing from our sight.Industrial heritage is the remains of industrial civilization, they are not useless waste, nor is it fun for people to antiques. Industrial civilization as a witness, along with the times, social changes, historical evolution and cultural heritage. Any historical period, any place, in contact with, accept and carry out the process of industrialization inevitably mixed a distinctive local characteristics, can be said that the process of industrialization of a region and the local social changes, historical evolution, cultural heritage is closely Inseparable. Thus, the social changes associated with the formation of the industrial heritage, as a symbolic response to a city of profound changes and social changes. To retain these symbols, which is to retain the history of the city, retaining the style of the city, retaining the memory of those who witnessed the urban change.Wuhan commandeered the central experience of the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China and new China, China’s social development of each stage plays an important role in the development have now become an important industrial and commercial center. Sustained, rapid industrialization and urbanization, have been made to promote economic development in Wuhan, but inevitably bring a lot of valuable industrial heritage has been dismantled and abandoned.Based on the analysis of Wuhan context of industrial development and modern industrial heritage of the stock of detailed investigation, sketched a description of Wuhan, the industrial heritage status map, and as a basis to analyze the process of social change associated with industrialization to the people Changes brought about at the same time confirms the important value of industrial heritage. To make a few points on the recommendations of Wuhan Industrial Heritage.


