

Inerasable Black Imprint

【作者】 杨姗姗

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 托妮·莫里森是美国甚至世界文学史上重要的黑人女作家之一。她的作品中没有对奴隶制和白人社会的尖锐批判和沉痛控诉,而是讲述了一个又一个受奴隶制压迫的黑人精神世界的畸变与扭曲的悲剧。她的代表作《宠儿》经发表就震动了美国文学界,并且被认为是美国黑人历史的一座纪念碑。本文把少数民族心理学运用在对小说中人物的分析上,从人物的性格到人物的命运再到他们的抗争,都作了具体的分析。本文的目的在于通过运用少数民族心理学这一理论及其最新研究成果应用于对文本的分析,最终揭露奴隶制对黑人身心的毁灭性的影响—黑人永远无法摆脱他们的黑色印记。本文共分五个部分。第一部分是引言。主要介绍了作者的生平、作品及其在文坛的地位,并介绍了国内外文学界目前对这一主题的研究状况。第二部分是关于美国奴隶制以及它对作者的影响。这一部分首先详细介绍了美国奴隶制的历史及其对整个美国社会的影响,然后讨论了奴隶制对作者写作的巨大影响和作者在作品中对奴隶制的挑战。第三部分把少数民族心理学这一理论运用到对小说中三个主要人物的分析上。首先,是对这一理论的历史及发展状况的介绍,然后就是将理论运用到实践的过程。无论是善良的贝比,慈爱的塞丝还是勇敢的丹芙,都在奴隶制的压迫下丧失了她们作为人的基本条件—自由。她们的人物性格中都带有典型的受压迫性,甚至整个黑人民族都是如此。第四部分讨论了人物各自对奴隶制的抗争以及他们注定失败的原因。贝比晚年对颜色的幻想使她有了一定的精神寄托,塞丝杀婴的行为表明了她思想上一定程度的觉醒,丹芙的成长和对母亲的拯救似乎使她完全摆脱了奴隶制的影响,但是,她们的努力都无法改变黑人在美国社会的劣势地位,直至今日。淡薄的种族认同感、根深蒂固的肤色主义和消极的刻板威胁决定了他们的命运。最后,第五部分是总结,是对全文的概括。它再次强调了奴隶制对黑人民族的影响,尤其是精神方面几近毁灭性的影响,引人重新思考少数民族这一重要的社会问题。

【Abstract】 Toni Morrison is one of the most important black female writers in the literature history of America and even of the whole world. There is no penetrating criticism or resentful denouncement on slavery or the White society in her books. Instead, her books are all the tragedies of the distortion and aberration of the black people’s spiritual world after they were oppressed and tortured by slavery. Once her representative work Beloved was published, it shocked the American literary circles and was considered a monument of the history of African Americans.The thesis applied ethnic minority psychology into character comprehending and analyzed in details their characteristics, fate and struggle. The thesis aims at disclosing the destructive influence slavery exerted on both the physical and mental aspects of black people through applying this theory and its latest research results into analyzing the text.This thesis is made up of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. It introduced the life and works of the writer and also mentioned the latest researches at home and abroad in this field.Chapter two tells the slavery and its influence on the writer. It firstly introduced the history of slavery and its influence on the whole American society and secondly tells its influence on the writer and the writer’s challenge to the system in turn.Chapter three applied ethnic minority psychology in to practice. The first part is the introduction of this theory and its latest research results and then it comes to the process of applying. No matter what it is kind Baby, loving Sethe or courageous Denver, they lost the basic condition as a human being under the oppression of slavery, that is, freedom. There is obvious characteristic of being oppressed in the nature of these women, and even of the whole black people.Chapter four discussed the struggle of three characters and the reasons of their doomed failure. Baby’s imagination about color during the last period of her life gave her comfort. Sethe’s killing her baby displayed her awakening awareness to a certain extent. And Denver’s growth and behavior of saving her mother seemingly enabled her get rid of the influence of slavery. However, their struggle couldn’t_change the inferior status of black people in American society, until nowadays. Their fate is determined by slim ethnic identification, deep-rooted colorism and negative stereotype threat.And the last chapter is the conclusion and summary of the whole thesis. It emphasized the great influence of slavery on the black people, especially the destructive influence on their mental world, causing people to reconsider the social problem of ethnic minorities.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】164

