

The Study of Gramineae in Karakorum Mountains of China

【作者】 郭一敏

【导师】 阎平;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 植物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 喀喇昆仑山位于昆仑山脉西南侧,从帕米尔高原东南部一直延伸到羌塘高原,整个山体呈西北—东南走向,长约1100km,宽约100-220km。西端位于阿富汗境内,南坡为巴基斯坦和印度,北翼和东段位于中国境内。中国喀喇昆仑山具体包括我国新疆境内的塔什库尔干县西南部喀拉其库尔河两侧及南部叶尔羌河以南的高山地区,叶城、皮山、和田三县219国道西南部及西藏阿里地区日土县西北部高山。本项目对该地区禾本科植物进行了深入的分类学研究,在此基础上对物种多样性与区系特点进行了系统的分析,并对其禾本科植物资源做出初步评价,对其合理开发利用提出建议。研究表明:中国喀喇昆仑山地区共有野生禾本科植物18属79种4亚种2变种,是该区仅次于菊科的第二大科,占全国禾本科植物属的7.8%,种的5.7%;其中发现中国喀喇昆仑山新记录种13种,新疆新记录种1种,西藏新记录种5种。虽然该地区禾本科植物种数比较少,但具有很强的耐寒、耐旱、耐贫瘠、抗辐射等特点,在海拔高,土壤贫瘠,自然环境条件极其恶劣的喀喇昆仑山地区植物群落中常形成优势种或建群种。该区禾本科植物多种属有7属,67种,占总属数的38.9%,总种数的78.8%:单种属有6属,6种,占总属数的33.3%,总种数的7.1%;寡种属有5属,12种,占总属数的27.8%,总种数的14.1%。本区禾本科植物中国特有种有8种,新疆特有种有7种,中国喀喇昆仑山特有种1种1亚种,中国新疆仅分布种8种。本区特有现象并不明显,甚至没有西藏特有种和中国西藏仅分布种,这与中国喀喇昆仑山所处的地理位置有很大关系(1/4在西藏,3/4在新疆),并说明本区禾本科植物与周边地区的禾本科植物联系较为广泛。中国喀喇昆仑山地区禾本科植物除早禾属(Eremopoa)和雀麦属(Bromus)3种植物生活型为一年生外,其它76种植物生活型均为多年生,是该地区禾本科植物长期适应恶劣环境的结果。中国喀喇昆仑山禾本科植物属的分布类型较为简单,北温带分布类型有12属,占总属数的2/3,具有明显的优势,多为本区不同垂直带草原和草甸的建群种或优势种。世界分布类型、泛热带分布类型、泛旧世界分布类型、中亚分布类型变型参与其中,表明中国喀喇昆仑山地区并未与相邻地区形成明显的地理隔离,各分布类型之间存在相互渗透现象。该区与中国帕米尔高原禾本科植物属的相似性系数最高,为88.9%,与昆仑山属的相似性系数为83.3%,其环境相似,属的分布趋同一致性高;与中国帕米尔高原种的相似性系数比较高,为43.5%,与昆仑山种的相似性系数为30.1%,种的相似性系数相对较高,区域间属内有较高的种间替代分布,区域分异比较明显。本区禾本科植物54-59%的种类为植物群落中的建群种或优势种;97.7%的种类为优良牧草,是该地区野生动物和家畜生存的重要食物来源。作物近缘种有赖草属(Leymus)和披碱草属(Elymus)植物约22种;防风固沙植物资源有芨芨草属(Achnatherum)、拂子茅属(Calamagrostis)、赖草属(Leymus)等约14种;水土保持植物资源有早熟禾属(Poα)、碱茅属(Puccinellia)等约26种;高海拔地区和北方冷季型草坪草资源有早熟禾属(Poα)、羊茅属(Festuca)、洽草属(Koeleria)等约9种。

【Abstract】 Karakorum Mountain located in the southwest of Kunlun Mountains. The mountain region extended from the southeast of Pamir Plateau to the northwest of Qiangtang Plateua. It’s about 1100km long and 100-220km wide. The east of the mountain region located in Afghanistan, the southen is Pakistan and India, the northen and the easten located in China. The Chinese Karakorum Mountains include the area of two sides of Karakikuer River in the southwest and the area of southen Yarkant River in the county of Taxkorgan, the south area of 219 national highway in county of Yecheng, Pishan and Hotan, and the northwest of the countyof Rutog, loacated in the Ali District of Tibet. We made the taxonomy resaerch of plants of Graminene in depth, on it’s basis, species diversity was sistematically anysised and the resources of Gramineae in this region were evaluated. At last, we give some advice on how to utilize them in reason.The result indicated that there are 18 genera,79 species,4 subspecies,2 variaties of wild Gramineae which is the second biggest Family in Chinese Karakorum Mountains, respectively accounting for 7.9% and 5.7% of genera and species of China.13 species were new recorded in Chinese Karakorum Mountains, and 1 species in Xijiang,5 species in Tibet. Though the species is few, they have the strong characteristic of cold、arid、lean、radiant endurance. They are also the establisher or dominance of plant community in Karakorum Mountains with high altitude、lean soil and the poorest environment. There are 7 multigenera distributed in this region, which takes 38.9% of all genera,67 species takes as much as 78.8% of all species. There are 6 oligotypic generas,6 species occupied 33.3% and 7.1% of total genera and species; 5 monotypic genera,12 species, occupied 27.8% and 14.4% of total genera and species.There are 8 Chinese endemic species,7 Xinjiang endemic species and in this area. There are only 1 species and 1 subspecies of Karakorum endemic species and 8 Xinjiang endemic species were distributed in this region without Tibet endemic species and species distributed only in Tibet. The endemic phenomenon is not obvious. The reason is that about 3 quarters of the region located in Xinjiang province and only 1 quarter in Tibet, also indicated that the relationship of Gramineae in this region and adjoining area is intimity.There are 76 species of Gramineae in this region are perennial plants,3 species of Eremopoa and Bromus are annual. They acclimatized themself chronically to the poor envirmonent.The distributive types of genera of Gramineae in Chinese Karakorum Mountains is simple. North temperate which cantains 12 generas has a percentage of 2/3 plays an absolutely role in this region. Most of them are the establisher and dominance of the meadow and grassland in difference apeak belt in this region. Cosmopolitan、pantropic and the old world elements also exist in this region. It shows that the phenomena of geography isolation is not obvious, infiltration is pervasive in north temperate and other distributive types. The genera similarity of Gramineae between Chinese Karakorum Mountains and Pamir Plateua is higher (about 88.9%),83.3% with Kunlun Mountains is less. The reason is that the entironment of Chinese Karakorum Mountains is similar to the Chinese Pamir Plateua and Kunlun Mountains. The genera of unification distribution is obvious. The species similarity of Gramineae between Chinese Karakorum Mountains and Pamir Plateua is higher (about 43.5%),30.1% with Kunlun Mountains is less. The substitute in species is higher in this region, the differentiation is clear in different apeak belt.97.7% of Gramineae are good resource of forage grasses, they are the most important food of domestic and wild animals; 22 species of Leymus and Elymus are the kindred of crops; 14 species of Achnatherum、Phragmites、Calamagrostis、Leymus are the plant resource of windbreak and sand fixation; 26 species of Poa and Puccinellia are the resource of plant in keeping from water and soil erosion; 9 species of Poa、Festuca、Koeleria are the grass of cold season lawn in high altitude area and northen area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

