

Study on Occurrence and Control of Grape Powdery Mildew in Shihezi

【作者】 门光耀

【导师】 李国英;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 植物病理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 葡萄白粉病是新疆葡萄生产上最重要的病害之一,近年来该病的发生有日趋严重之势。特别是2009年,经在北疆和东疆各葡萄产区调查,其发生范围十分广泛,为害十分严重,无论鲜食葡萄或酿酒葡萄均受害严重,且在不少地区始发期直接侵染果实,易造成误诊,导致明显减产,甚至毁园绝收。经发病规律调查,初步查明葡萄白粉菌(Uncinula necator)在石河子地区不能通过菌丝体潜伏在寄主芽内越冬,而主要以其有性态闭囊壳在病残体上越冬成为翌年该病的初侵染源;葡萄白粉菌分生孢子在4℃~33℃均可正常萌发,以20℃萌发率最高。相同培养条件下,果实上的分生孢子萌发率明显高于叶片上的分生孢子萌发率;经初步测定,在石河子地区,平均气温为24~25℃时,葡萄白粉病在感病品种上的潜育期多为7~14d;葡萄白粉病在石河子地区初发期一般在6月中下旬-7月上中旬,7月底后逐渐进入发病盛期,9月份进入衰退期,其发生动态呈明显的“S”型曲线特点;葡萄白粉菌的耐旱性较强,发病适宜的温湿度范围较广,在侵染扩展的关键期,即7~8月份,如遇少量降雨,保持相对干燥的气候条件,则可酿成该病的大流行;通过5个供试品种的抗性测定,查明品种间抗病性有明显差异,里扎马特、无核白鸡心对白粉病表现为易感,无核紫、红提次之,而高墨明显抗病;生产中应用套袋栽培可明显降低葡萄果实受害程度。通过孢子空中捕捉初步查明,葡萄白粉菌分生孢子扩散动态具有明显的昼夜周期性,孢子主要在昼间扩散,扩散高峰多出现在14:00-16:00左右。葡萄白粉菌分生孢子的空间分布主要在冠层以下,以距地面1-2m处最多。在冠层以上,随高度增加捕孢量逐渐降低。通常分生孢子在距地面1.5m左右高度分布最多。在石河子地区,一般分生孢子始见于6月中下旬,自7月中旬开始大量出现,9月份后,随着葡萄进入采收期,受寄主衰减及气候条件的影响,分生孢子扩散量迅速降低。观察中发现葡萄白粉菌分生孢子空中扩散量的多少易受风力、降水、温度、修剪、喷药等气象因素和农事操作的影响,从而使捕孢量出现明显波动,其中以降雨和风力的影响最大。经相关性分析查明,葡萄白粉菌分生孢子扩散量与田间病情扩展存在极显著正相关性。经室内药剂筛选和大田防治试验查明,40%冠信WP800倍液、40%石硫合剂结晶200倍液、15%三唑酮WP1000倍液、12.5%敌力康WP2000倍液、43%好力克SC4000倍液以及5%叶秀SC1500倍液等是防治葡萄白粉病效果好且较稳定的药剂。

【Abstract】 One of the most widespread and devastating grape diseases is powdery mildew in Xinjiang. Recently, the disease occurred more and more severely. Especially in 2009, the disease almost occurred all the grape-producing areas. Both fresh-eating and wine vines were infected severely. The pathogen infected grapes firstly in many vineyards and grapes were severely injuried. Outbreaks of this disease reduced the yield significantly or even resulted in no yield.In Shihezi, mycelia of Uncinula necator can not overwinter in dormant buds of grapevines but cleistothecia in infected crop residues can overwinter safely, being the primary sources of infection in the following growing season; Conidia of Uncinula necator can germinate naturally from 4℃to 33℃and their germination rate is highest at 20℃in laboratory. Under the same conditions, germination rate of conidia on grapes is obviously higher than that of conidia on leaves; For air temperature 24-25℃, the incubation period for U.necator is about 7-14 days in susceptible varieties in Shihezi; This disease first appear in late June to early July, and the disease incidence peak period is between late July and August.Then, the epidemic speed of this disease begin to decrease during september. Obviously, the epidemiologic dynamic pattern of grape powdery mildew belongs to "S"-type model typically; Uncinua necator is drought-tolerant and it can grow normally for wide temperature and humidity. The grape powdery mildew breaks out in case there is some light falls of rain in July to August with proper dry climate. There was significant difference on their resistance to powdery mildew among the five involved varieties of grapevine. Obviously, Lizhamate and Wuhebaijixin were very susceptible but GaoMo showed good resistance to powdery mildew.Spatio-temporal distributions of Uncinula necator were monitored by spore catches and their relativity with disease levels in vineyard were analysed. The founding showed that dispersal in U. necator was a process with daily periodicity and occurs mainly during daytime. Conidial dispersal occurred mainly from 10:00. to 22:00. and the maximum being between 14:00. and 16:00. Most of Spores appeared under the canopy and the maximum being between lm and 2m. In Shihezi, the spores first appeared in late June, and spreaded during the stage of disease with a flourishing period from the late July to the end of August. Aerial spore concentrations of Uncinula necator were easily affected by meteorological factors and cropping practices, such as wind speed, rainfall, temperature, pruning and chemical sprays, which cause variations of spore dispersal. And the concentrations were mainly affected by wind speed and rainfall. The spore catch pattern was positively correlated with that of disease development, with relativity coefficient of 0.81; Pathological injury on grape can be significantly reduced by bagging.The controlling effects of several chemicals on grape powdery mildew were comparatively studied in laboratory and field. The results showed that 40% Myclobutanil diluted 800 times,40% Lime Sulphur diluted 200 times,15% Triadimefon diluted 1000 times,12.5% Diniconazole diluted 2000 times,43% Tebuconazole diluted 4000 times and 5% hexaconazole diluted 1500 times had better effect on grape powdery mildew.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】S436.631.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】235
  • 攻读期成果

