

Collegiate Dishonesty of Academic and It’s Countermeasures Case

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 吴新平;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国自古就有学术诚信的文化传统,但随着向市场经济的转型,道德观念也随之转型,由于传统诚信观的缺陷,诚信缺失现象成为影响社会进步与发展的障碍。在高校,学术浮躁、功利之风的存在给大学生学术诚信思想的形成造成了消极的影响。大学生作为学术共同体的重要组成部分,肩负着中国学术的未来和希望,大学生学术诚信与否直接关系到我国学术发展的前景,而受社会环境中消极因素的影响,大学生学术失信已成为一个亟待解决的问题,因此加强对大学生学术诚信的研究无疑具有重大的意义。本文通过问卷调查、访谈来揭示大学生学术诚信的现状,借鉴教育学、心理学、伦理学等相关学科的研究成果,分析了大学生学术失信的原因,进而提出因应策略。本文分五个部分。绪论部分主要介绍了大学生学术诚信问题研究的社会背景和价值,概述了国内外学者的相关研究成果,以及本研究所采用的基本方法等。第二部分厘清了学术诚信的相关概念,从学术诚信态度及学术诚信行为两个方面界定了学术诚信的含义,并阐释了大学生学术诚信研究的理论基础。第三部分以石河子大学为个案对大学生的学术诚信现状进行了问卷调查与访谈,为进一步发掘大学生学术失信的深层原因奠定基础。第四部分分析了大学生学术失信的原因,涉及大学生的学术诚信观、学术的自我效能感、教师榜样的消极影响、学术失信行为的成本过低等因素。第五部分针对大学生学术失信的原因提出因应的策略,如,培养大学生学术诚信精神和责任意识;提高教学质量,增强大学生自我效能感;建立大学生学术诚信的激励机制;提高大学生学术失信行为成本。

【Abstract】 Academic honesty has been one kind of cultural traditions since ancient China. But as the market economy transforms, the people’s ethical concept becomes to change, plus the deficient of the traditional honesty concept, the Academic dishonesty is becoming increasingly a serious phenomenon in our society which has become a barrier to the development of the society. In the university the academic dishonesty has an passive influence on the collegiate integrity of academic. College students as one of the most important members of the academic community, their academic morals is directly concerned with the perspective of the academic development. Exposed to this bad environment, the collegiate academic dishonesty has become a severe problem to be dealt with. So we should attach much more importance to it.This article reveals the current situation of the collegiate integrity of academic by questionnaire and interview. Then analyses the causes of collegiate academic dishonesty and provides some proposals based on the theoretical achievements of the Education, Psychology and Ethics.This article mainly includes five parts:Part I, this author introduces the social background and value of this research, summarizes some related research achievements of domestic and foreign researchers and research methods and so forth.PartⅡ, this author distinguishes some concepts concerning the academic honesty, defines the academic honesty from attitudes and behaviors and introduces the rationale of the collegiate integrity of academic.PartⅢ, this author takes Shihezi University as a case, grasps the main situation of the collegiate integrity of academic in this university through questionnaire and interview, which is the foundation of next analysis.PartⅣ, this author analyses the causes of the collegiate dishonesty of academic in Shihezi university, including the academic concept of the college students, self-efficacy on collegiate academic, the teachers’ passive influence and the cost of the academic dishonesty etc..PartⅤ, this author provides some proposals according to the above analysis, for instance, cultivating the honest spirit of academic and the awareness of responsibilities, improving the level of the teaching and strengthening the collegiate self-efficacy, constructing encouraging system of the collegiate integrity of academic, increasing the cost of the academic dishonesty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

