

The Strategy Research on Characteristic Urbanization Development of Xinjiang

【作者】 付聘聘

【导师】 龚新蜀;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城镇化是一个国家或地区社会、经济发展水平与文明度的重要标志,也是人类走向文明和社会进步不可逾越的历史阶段。加快新疆城镇化建设,不仅有利于自然生态环境的保护,而且有利于新疆经济的快速发展。同时,城镇化在促进民族文化融合、推动民族经济发展、维护社会稳定,保卫边疆安全等方面有很重要的意义。本文结合定量与定性的分析方法,首先概述了城镇化和发展战略的内涵及相关理论。其次,从脆弱的生态环境、丰富的自然资源和旅游资源方面分析了新疆特色城镇化发展战略的自然环境;从新疆总体以及地区间的经济发展水平分析了新疆特色城镇化发展战略的经济环境:从人口分布不均的特征、少数民族人口分布广泛、宗教信仰和民族文化现状和“东突”势力猖獗等方面分析了新疆特色城镇化发展的社会环境。再次,分析新疆特色城镇化发展环境的特殊性,即历史、自然地理、民族、宗教、经济和生态等,以及新疆城镇化发展道路的特殊性,包括适度规模和合理布局、动力机制、城镇规划、资源依托和内外部环境等所具有的特殊性。第三,从新疆的城镇体系结构、新疆城镇的发展水平和新疆城镇的发展结构上研究了新疆城镇化的发展现状。从自然、经济和生态三方面分析了新疆城镇化发展存在的问题。然后分析新疆现有城镇化发展战略的现状及存在的问题。第四,借鉴了日本城镇化发展“都市圈”、“城镇带”的成功经验,总结了拉美国家过度城镇发展过程中的教训,并总结了我国东部沿海地区城镇化的发展战略的成功经验以及对新疆城镇化发展的启示。第五,从自然、经济和社会研究了新疆特色城镇化发展的战略依据,进而确定了新疆城镇化发展的总体思路、的战略原则、战略目标,并从五个方向指出了新疆特色城镇化的发展重点、对新疆城镇化的发展过程进行了划分,确定了每一个阶段的任务和发展目标。最后,根据新疆城镇化发展战略的地区差异,提出加快新疆城镇化发展速度,实现城镇化发展与自然环境的可持续发展,经济的快速发展和社会稳定之间并进发展的战略对策。本文通过研究得出以下结论:新疆的城镇化的战略重点应该从以下六个方向得以实现,积极发展乌鲁木齐都市圈,注重城镇功能的扩张和完善,集约化和内涵刑的城镇化发展道路;优先发展北疆铁路沿线城镇带,依靠城市聚集效应,走城乡协调发展的扩张型城市道路;加快发展南疆城镇带,走可持续发展道路;东疆城市要发挥其区位优势,走跨越式发展道路;沿边境城镇带应进一步加大开放力度,积极发展边境贸易,带动沿边城镇的发展,维护边疆稳定。同时依靠交通干线、旅游景点、边境地带或区域中心城市的周围,新建一批有发展潜力和具有特殊战略地位职能的小城镇,做女r农村向城镇聚集的纽带,发挥好城镇的特殊职能。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is an important symbol of social, economic development and civilization of a nation and regional, and also is an insurmountable historical stage for human toward civilization and social progress. Accelerate urbanization of Xinjiang is not only beneficial for protecting nature and ecology environment, but also conducive to the rapid development of Xinjiang’s economy. At the same time it has very important significance for promoting cultural integration, national economic development, maintaining social stability, defending the border security.This thesis combined with quantitative analysis and qualitative methods. The first overview of urbanization and development strategy content and related theories. Secondly, analyse the natural environment of Xinjiang from the fragile ecological environment, rich natural and tourism resources; and then Analyze the economic development lever in Xinjiang and analyze the social environment in Xinjiang from uneven distribution of population, widespread ethnic minority population, religion and cultural status and the "East Turkistan" forces rampant. Again, analysis of special characteristics of urbanization in Xinjiang that including history, geography, ethnic, religious, economic and ecological, as well as the special development path of urbanization in Xinjiang. Third, analyze the current development of urbanization in Xinjiang from the urban structure, urban level of development. And analysis of present situation and problems of urban development strategy in Xinjiang. Fourth, learn from the successful experience of development of urbanization in Japan, summed up the lessons of urban development in Latin American countries, and then summarizes the successful urban experience in China’s eastern coastal. Fifth, determines the overall urbanization development idea of strategic principles, strategic objectives and direction from the natural, economic and social characteristics of urbanization in Xinjiang’s strategic. Finally, According to the regional differences development strategy of urbanization in Xinjiang, Bring forward Development Strategies to speed up the pace of urbanization development in Xinjiang, and the natural environment to achieve sustainable development, economic development and social stability and rapid development.Base on the analysis of urbanization in Xinjiang, the urbanization of Xinjiang’s strategic focus should be realized from the following six directions:First, strengthen the development of metropolitan Urumqi, focusing on the expansion and improvement of urban functions, intensive and content-oriented development path of urbanization; Second, the north towns along the railway line should rely on urban agglomeration effects with taking the coordinated development of urban and rural expansion type of urban roads; The south regional center of urban development, focusing on the sustainable development; The east of Xinjiang city to play its regional advantages, take the road of development by leaps and bounds; The border towns should be further increased with opening up and actively develop border trade, to maintain stability in border areas. At the same time rely on transport links, tourist attractions, the border zone or regional centers around the city; build a number of small towns with strategic position and special functions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

