

The Study on the Ethnic Policy-Beks to Huijiang in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 闫宗淼

【导师】 桂全民;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与政策, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 回疆即现在新疆的南疆地区,自西汉时起就被纳入中央王朝的版图,在清朝是维吾尔人的聚居地。但在清朝之前各朝各代对回疆乃至整个西域均采用羁縻政策,即仅仅对其进行间接控制,该地区在名义上统归中央,实际上仍然处于相对独立的状态。清朝政府在回疆实施的伯克制度,在本质上实现了对该地区的实际控制。本文选择伯克制度进行研究,一方面在于说明伯克制度对清政府统治回疆所发挥的重要作用以及其对回疆经济发展的促进;另一方面重在探讨伯克制度对我国当代民族政策的制定实施所产生的借鉴意义。本文主要分为五个部分。第一部分主要阐述本题的研究意义和目前国内外的研究现状,并进一步展开研究思路。第二部分从清朝统治阶级的治国思想和民族政策入手,解释伯克制度实施的原因背景。第三部分从伯克制度的内容入手,详细探讨伯克制度的体系及其基本特征。第四部分通过评价伯克制度的优劣,说明其历史意义,并进一步提出其对当代民族政策制定与实施的启示。第五部分为结束语,主要提出国家权力的渗入使民族地区与中央政府的联系更为紧密和政策需要不断地变新,以适应社会发展的需要两个观点。总体而言,伯克制度在一定时期适应了回疆社会发展的需求,其在一定程度上是应当得到肯定的。它实现了回疆的社会稳定和经济发展,使清朝出现了“大一统”的局面。因此对这一民族政策进行研究具有重要的历史意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Huijiang had been bring into the national territory since Xihan which is the area of Uigur to get together in Qing Dynasty. However before the Qing,every dynasty all adopts the fetter system in the area of Huijiang,even in the whole Xiyu, that’s to say,it just carry out indirect control. Nominally This area is supervised by Nation, in fact it is oppositely independence. Essentially The Qing government implementing Bek makes the practical control. The study of this thesis trys to illuminate Bek’s important action of the Qing government governing Huijiang and its effect of Huijiang’s economy progress;and trys to discuss the signification of the policy to today’s Ethnic Policy.The thesis is made up of five portions:The fist part, to describe the signification of the study, the study context, and to further open my study fabric out. The second part mainly sets forth the thinking of dominator how to rein the Nation and explains the context of Bek. The purpose of the third part is to illuminate Bek. In this part, we will detailedly probe into Bek and its essential characters. In the part four, we will make out Bek’s history meanings, and further to bring forward revelations of today’s Ethnic Policy. The last part of the thesis is conclusion. It mainly puts forward two points. One is the affect of national power penetrating into the system of ethnic administration; and the policy needs change all the time, in order to adapt the society’s development.In brief, in the same time, Bek has adopted the society’s development. So it should be admired. It is deserve to affirm to the policy that Bek carried out, which achieved the stability and economy development of the Huijiang society, easing the pressure of the Qing Dynasty to a large extent, urging association between Qing dynasty and Huijiang. Therefore it has history and realistic meanings to study the Bek of Huijiang.

【关键词】 清朝民族政策伯克制度启示
【Key words】 Qing DynastyEthnic PolicyBekRevelation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

