

Experimental Research on Mineral Processing of Low Grade Refractory Kyanite in JiangSu

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 张凌燕;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 蓝晶石作为高级耐火材料原料,用途十分广泛,需求也不断增加,质量相对较好且杂质含量低的蓝晶石富矿已经消耗殆尽,大量中低品位且有害组分含量高的蓝晶石的开发利用已经迫在眉睫。江苏沭阳低品位蓝晶石矿主要化学成分为SiO2 71.68%、A12O3 20.98%、TFe2O3 2.78%、TiO 21.35%, Fe、Ti杂质含量较高,主要以赤褐铁矿、钛铁矿金红石和钙铁榴石形式存在。原矿风化严重,脉石矿物种类繁多,共生关系密切,蓝晶石颗粒大小不均匀,铁染现象明显,含铁、钛的脉石矿物一般以包裹体形式存在,使蓝晶石与脉石矿物的分离变得困难,是该矿石选矿试验的重点和难点。选矿试验表明,适宜的磨矿方式为球磨,磨矿细度为-0.074mm65.28%。脱泥对蓝晶石浮选影响重大,酸法工艺尤为明显,适宜的脱泥粒度下限为20μm。磁选可以除去大部分的含铁矿物,除铁率为84.64%,适宜的磁选条件为磁场强度1.0T,矿浆流速3.5cm/s,脉动频率1000次/分。在碱性(pH9-9.5)条件下,适宜的捕收剂为油酸钠和癸脂;酸性(pH3-3.5)条件下,适宜的捕收剂为石油磺酸钠。然而,用油酸钠和癸脂作捕收剂的碱法工艺难以取得合格的蓝晶石精矿,用石油磺酸钠作捕收剂的酸法工艺精矿品位和回收率较高,但TiO2含量超标。探索了三种流程除杂,碱酸流程难以取得合格精矿;磁-浮-重联合流程能取得合格精矿,但精矿回收率低,流程复杂。分支浮选流程能取得符合LJ-55标准要求的蓝晶石精矿。分支浮选流程中+0.045mm粒级通过“一粗两精”就能获得合格精矿,且闭路精矿A12O3品位54.75%,回收率69.48%,回收率较高,产品质量基本满足LJ-55标准要求;-0.045mm粒级中,铁钛杂质嵌布粒度较细,难以去除,最终精矿A12O3品位48.17%,回收率14.87%,用来生产对铁钛含量要求较低的产品原料。分支浮选流程总回收率达到84.35%。石油磺酸钠与矿物作用机理研究表明,石油磺酸钠在蓝晶石表面的吸附量远大于石英,且在蓝晶石表面的吸附方式以物理吸附和化学吸附两种方式共存。

【Abstract】 As high-grade refractories raw material, kyanite is widely used and the market demand is increasingly greater. But the relatively high-quality and low impurity content kyanite has consumed, and the development and utilization of low grade and high harmful components content of kyanite is imperative.The low grade kyanite in JiangSu Shu Yang is complicated, main chemical composition is SiO271.68%、Al2O320.98%、TFe2O32.78%、TiO21.35%, the content of iron and titanium impurity is high, and exist in the form of hematite-limonite、ilmenite、rutile and andradite. The mineral weathering seriously and has variety of gangue minerals, which commensal relation is intimate. The grain size is inhomogeneous and dyed by iron and titanium, these gangues exist in the form of inclusions, which makes it difficult to separate kyanite from gangue minerals. This is the key points and difficult points of this mineral separation.The result of investigation on mineral processing technology show that the suitable grinding way is ball-milling and suitable fineness is-0.074mm 65.28%. Desliming has a great influence on kyanite, especially acid process, the suitable lower limit particle size for desliming is 20μm. Magnetic separation process may remove most of the iron-bearing minerals, and the iron removal rate is 84.64%. The optimum condition for magnetic separation is magnetic field conditions LOT, velocity 3.5 cm/s, pulse 1000r/min.The optimum collecter is sodium oleate and decyl in alkaline medium (pH9-9.5), and sodium petroleum sulfonate in acid medium (pH3-3.5). However, it is difficult to obtain eligible kyanite concentrate in alkaline medium using sodium oleate and decyl. In acid mediun, using sodium petroleum sulfonate may easier to obtain high recovery and high grade kyanite concentrate, but the content of TiO2 is overproof. It has explore three process to remove impurity. The result shows that it is difficult to obtain eligible concentrate when using alkaline-acid process. Magnetic-flotation-reelect alignment process can be obtained, but the process complex and recovery lower. While, ramified flotation can meet the qualification of LJ-55.In ramified flotation process,+0.045mm can obtain eligible kyanite concentrate, closed-circuit test can obtain concentrate that basically satisfied the demand of LJ-55, the grade of concentrate is 54.75%, and the recovery is higher. But in -0.045mm fraction, it is difficult to remove iron and titanium impurity because their fine grit. The grade is Al2O3 48.17% and recovery 14.87%, it can be used in raw material which iron and titanium impurity has less influence. The total recovery of ramified flotation process achieve 84.35%.The research on the mechanism shows that the adsorption of collector on the kyanite surface was much more than that of quartz surface. The collector effect in the kyanite surface with chemical and physical adsorption.


