

Qualitative Simulation Based on the Growth of the Primary Command and Ability to Assess the Research of Leading

【作者】 池海

【导师】 李波;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 军事教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 初级指挥生长干部是实现军队现代化建设和打赢未来高技术战争的人才基础,是将来执行军事任务的直接领导者,其领导能力的高低直接关系到未来履职尽责的程度。本文首先阐述培养初级指挥生长干部领导能力的重要性和评估手段对初级指挥生长干部领导能力的促进作用,其次通过我军初级指挥生长干部领导能力的培养与西点军校对学员领导力培养的比较分析,找出其中的相似性和差异性,为建立我军初级指挥生长干部领导能力评估指标体系提供参考依据,再次运用德尔菲法确定适用于我军的初级指挥生长干部领导能力评估指标体系,并应用层次分析法求其权重,最后把定性模拟技术引入到初级指挥生长干部领导能力评估中,初步设计初级指挥生长干部领导能力的评估模型,以定性的描述得到定量的评估结果。本课题是针对初级指挥生长干部领导能力评估进行的基础性研究,对促进我军院校初级指挥生长干部领导能力的提高具有非常重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Primary command cadres are the foundational elements for military modernization and wining future high-tech wars, and they are future direct leaders in a military mission, whose capabilities of leading has a direct bearing on the performance of their duties. In this thesis, the author first discusses the importance of training the leadership of primary command cadres as well as the evaluation in promoting the leadership of them. And then, a comparative study on the leadership training between Chinese Army and West Point is conducted. Both differences and similarities are found in order to provide references for establishing an evaluation system of leadership assessment of our primary command cadres. The author employs the Delphi method to set up an index system for evaluating the leadership. The weights are ameliorated by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Finally, the author introduces the qualitative simulation technology into evaluating the leadership of our primary command cadres, and designs the preliminary assessment model for evaluating the leadership of primary command cadres. The quantitative description is employed to obtain the qualitative assessment. This study is a basic research on the leading capacity assessment for our primary command cadres, which is of great practical significance in improving the leading ability of our primary command cadres in military academies.


