

Study on Optimization Design of Electric Power Line Based on Visualization Technology

【作者】 刘毅锟

【导师】 西勤;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量与测量工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来我国经济突飞猛进地发展,社会用电需求量不断快速增长,涉及国计民生的电力网络建设也以前所未有的速度跨越式发展。电力网络的建设前提是先进性的线路设计,线路设计的好坏关系着线路的投资运行费用与运行的可靠性,线路的路径选择在线路设计中起着举足轻重的地位[1]。电力线路路径设计是一个涉及多个专业的综合性规划设计工作。随着计算机技术的飞速发展,GIs、GPs、Rs(“3s”技术)以及VR (虚拟现实)技术在电力线路路径设计上的广泛应用,使整个电力行业在技术革新、提高工作效率和管理水平等方面面貌焕然一新。本文结合有关项目,对基于三维可视化的电力线路路径优化设计进行了深入研究,主要工作如下:1.本文以电力行业电力杆塔分类标准为基础,分析和总结了电力施工中常用的杆塔类型,构建三维电力杆塔模型库。为电力线路路径规划设计提供实时对杆塔进行调用、定位、杆塔属性管理等技术保障。2.本文对电力线路路径设计规范以及杆塔定位原则进行了归纳总结,对影响电力选线的地形、地物、地质等因子进行了总结和分析。设计了三维杆塔电力连线的直线连接、曲线连接、电力线与绝缘子串实时固定连接和杆塔电力线自适应连接模型,采取二维平面地图与三维虚拟场景交互的方式,在三维场景中设计杆塔定位,在二维环境中查询地质要素,辅助杆塔定位。通过二维、三维交互的功能,实时指导线路设计和杆塔定位工作。3.本文研究和设计了电力杆塔定位校验计算工具包。可以在设计过程中实时进行定位条件校验计算和杆塔定位修正管理,以满足线路设计即排杆定位的技术要求。最后,本文在上述研究基础上,研制了基于三维可视化技术的电力线路优化设计系统平台,实现了系统的基本功能,并提出了系统进一步需要完善改进的构想。

【Abstract】 Rapid development of China’s economic in the recent years lead to the rapidgrowth in electricity demand of the society, related to the national economy and thepower network construction is also an unprecedented rate leaps and bounds.Electricity network is a prerequisite for the advanced nature of the construction ofcircuit design, what has a bearing on the lines running costs and reliability, choice ofpath lines in the circuit design has played a decisive role.Power line path design is a multi professional comprehensive planning anddesign work. With the rapid development of computer technology, GIS.GPS, RS (3Stechnique), and virtual reality technology in the design of power lines the extensiveapplication of the path so that the whole power industry in technical innovation,improve efficiency and management level and so a new look . In this paper, theproject, three-dimensional visualization-based route optimization design of power lineconducted in-depth research, mainly the following:1. this electrical tower electricity industry classification based on analysis andsummary of the electricity towers are frequently used in construction and use as atemplate to construct three-dimensional power tower model library. Achieved in thepower line path planning and design, the designer calls in real time on the tower,location, tower property management.2. the paper design on the path of power lines and pole position principle wassummed up, to summarize the impact of the power line selection topography, surfacefeatures, geology and other factor analysis, comprehensive, multi-angle,three-dimensional account of factors influence the power circuit design . Designed toconnect the power line connection, connectivity and adaptive connection model curve,take two-dimensional plane and three-dimensional virtual scene interactive map of theway, real-time positioning guide the circuit design and pole work.3. this paper summarized the basis of previous results, start on the construction ofthe power pole positioning for calibration kit on. To locate on the tower siteconditions in real-time computing and pole positioning check provide the basis foramendments to management.Finally, on the basis of these studies, a preliminary three-dimensionalvisualization platform to achieve a power line under the path of optimal designfeatures, and a comprehensive summary of the full text, based on proposed systemimprovements need to improve the concept further.


