

Design of Orepass-drawing Monitor System

【作者】 张侠

【导师】 魏镜弢;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 溜井放矿在露天矿和地下矿中均被大量采用,溜井放矿能力好坏,直接影响着整个矿山的生产效率及经济效益。但是,由于溜井放矿过程中存在着堵塞、跑矿、矿车定位不准确等问题,严重影响溜井生产,威胁人身和设备的安全,给矿山造成极大的经济损失。把先进的工业控制技术引入到溜井放矿系统中,不仅能够克服这些实际问题,还能够实现自动控制。随着计算机技术的发展,单片机技术已成为计算机技术的一个独特的分支,广泛地应用于工业控制、智能仪器仪表、机电一体化产品、家用电器的各个领域。单片机具有体积小、成本低、运用灵活,易于产品化;面向对象控制,性价比高;抗干扰能力强等特点,在工业控制中,常被用来作为现场采集和设备控制的工具。进入21世纪,单片机开发应用必将对人类生产和生活的自动化、智能化的实现及扩大起到重要作用。组态软件能够在PC机上开发出良好的人机界面。本文从溜井放矿系统存在的问题入手,设置了合理的溜井参数,研究设计了一套以单片机为核心,以工业组态软件组态王为平台的溜井放矿监控系统,解决了溜井放矿系统故障预警的难题,实现了溜井放矿系统的监控要求。该系统采用单片机为现场控制器,单片机与上位机进行串行通信,在组态王的基础上实现实时监控。系统采用轨道称重传感器采集溜井的放矿量,运用光电传感器对运输矿车进行定位,实现系统的精确控制。设计了A/D转换接口、光电开关接口、串行通信接口和在线编程接口等硬件电路,实现了对运输矿车的启动、定位和停车的控制,实现了放矿闸门的自动控制,并能对工控现场设备的运行状态进行实时监控。

【Abstract】 Orepass-drawing is applied widely in underground mine and surface mine, the performance of orepasses has direct influence on the operational efficiency of a mine as a whole and its economic results.But,due to the problems such as the ore blocking,the ore leaking, the incorrect positioning often occurred during the process of orepass-drawing,influences the production of orepass,and safety of equipment and person seriously,which cause greatly losses.By introducing advanced industrial control technology into the system,not noly can solve these practical problems,but also can realize automatic control.With the development of technology, single chip technology has become a unique branch of computer technology. It is widely applied in industrial control,intelligent instruments, electromechanical integration and household appliances. Single chip microcomputer has a small size, low price and which is very flexible and can make products very easily. So it is used in object-oriented control and it has a high performance-price ratio and a strong anti-interference. In industrial control, single chip microcomputer is usually used in field collection and equipment control.In the 21st century, the development and application of single chip microcomputer plays an important role in human production, living automation and the expansion of intelligent. Configuration software is able to develop a good man-machine interface in the PC.This paper beginning with the problems of orepass-drawing system,it has set up reasonable parameters for the orepass,a set of orepass-drawing monitor system,is designed. Based on single chip and configuration software King Vies software.lt has solved the problems of orepass fault alam,realize the monitor demand of orepass-drawing.This system use Single chip as field controller, Single chip communicate with upper computer by Serial communication,the system realizes real-time monitoring.In this paper,pressure pickups is used collecting the signal of orepass-drawing,apply the photo-sensor to lccate mine car and realize the control accruatly. Interface circuit of A/D switch,photoelectric switch, Serial communication switch and ISP and so on are designed.The Orepass-drawing Monitor System has realized the starting,location,stopping of mine car,realized the automatic control of lock gate in orepass-drawing,and at the same time,this system realizes real-time monitoring about equipments’ running state in industrial site.


