

【作者】 王进朝

【导师】 燕永锋;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 矿区位于唐古拉—昌都—兰坪—思茅褶皱系的东南部墨江—绿春褶皱带内;区域地层以古生代志留系(S)、二叠系(P)和中生代三叠系(T)、侏罗系(J)、白垩系(K)地层为主;矿区为一套志留系下统区域浅变质岩,原岩为一套浅海-海湾相泥质碎屑岩,岩性组合以砂岩板岩互层为主;矿区内岩浆活动主要表现为燕山晚期石英斑岩侵入和少量的煌斑岩贯入;围岩蚀变有硅化,钾化,绢云母化,黄铁矿化,石英化,绿泥石化,电气石化等。本区地球物理化学特征表现为矿区位于莫霍面等深线由陡变缓的陡折带上,且在区域重力正负异常梯度带上,区域内地层Cu、Pb、Zn含量普遍比较高,具有很好的找矿前景;通过对矿区地质特征充分分析,认为本区成矿严格受构造控制,与石英斑岩有关,故选择断层较为集中,且有石英斑岩出露的区域作为物化探工作靶区,且矿区内砂岩,板岩,蚀变围岩和矿石的电性差异明显,这为矿区物探工作奠定了基础。通过对矿区进行物化探扫面,共圈出物探异常11个;化探异常27个,其中铜异常6个,铅异常9个,砷异常6个,银异常2个,钨异常2个,锑异常3个;对物化探异常进行综合分析,认为测区化探异常受土壤位移的影响而偏离矿化体,故靶区圈定以物探异常为主,即把物探异常区圈定为靶区,并结合化探异常和地质条件加以分析判断,将找矿靶区分为A、B、C三类,将有物化探异常组合并有矿化标志的划分为A类;仅有物化探异常组合而无矿化的划分为B类;仅有物探异常的划分为C类;据此,圈出A类靶区3个,B类靶区6个,C类靶区2个,坑探已验证1个。

【Abstract】 The position of the tectonics is in Mojiang-Lvchun fold belt which is the southeast department of Tanggula-Changdu-Lanping-Simao fold belt. In the region, the exposed stratum is not continuous, mostly; there are Paleozoic stratum and Mesozoic stratum. there are a set of Silurian low-grade regional metamorphic rock in prospecting area, the lithology are alternate with sandstone and slate, the original rock is a set of shallow water-the Gulf muddy-clastic-rock; There are quartz Porphyry and lamprophyre intrusion in the late Yanshan-period, wall rock metamorphose have silicification, potassium, sericite, pyrite, chlorite, tourmaline.The prospecting area is between the positive and negative gravity anomaly, that lies in steep slope of Moho isobath, content of Cu, Pb, Zn is relatively high in regional stratum, it is perspective for prospecting; There are sandstone, slate, metamorphic wall rock and ore, the difference of their electrical parameter is obvious, so it is a basis for geophysical prospecting.By geophysical and geochemical survey, find the number of geophysical anomaly be 11; geochemical anomaly be 27, in which anomaly of copper be 6, lead be 9, arsenic be 6, silver be 2, tungsten be 2, antimony be 3. by analyzing, it is believed that the geochemical anomaly depart from the mineralized body as a result of displacement of soil; so, the target is fixed on mostly by geophysical anomaly, and be divided into three types for A, B and C; by referencing the geochemical anomaly and geological character,which there be geophysical and geochemical anomalies and signs of mineralization is divided into Class A; there be geophysical and geochemical anomalies is Class B, only geophysical anomaly is Class C; Accordingly, the Class A is 3, B is 6, C is 2.

【关键词】 激发极化次生晕异常靶区
【Key words】 IPsecondary dispersion halosanomalytarget

