

【作者】 黄鹏

【导师】 赵耀鑫;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 制陶技术的发明是人类社会发展的必然产物,绝不是偶然发生的奇迹。它是生活实践和劳动实践的经验积累,也是对客观世界认识能力提高的结果,是人类文化发展到一定阶段的创造性的成就。本文研究的“原始制陶”并不是指原始社会的制陶,而是指相对于现代先进的制陶工艺而言,更具有原始社会制陶技术特征的原生性的制陶工艺。主要特点表现为:用粘土为原料;以低温(800℃左右)烧制;以手捏制或借助简单的陶轮制作出器物;装饰手法主要采取刻划、压印、堆塑、彩绘等。这种自新石器时代出现的制陶技艺,此后一直在云南各地传播、发展。至今,云南傣族制陶仍保留着较多原始制陶技艺的特征,是目前我国已知最原始制陶技艺的典型代表,具有活化石的标本作用,对其进行调查和研究,是破解我国西南地区新石器时代制陶技艺之迷的突破口。傣族的这种肇始于原始社会的古老制陶工艺,在历经人类社会发展的各阶段之后,直到现在其制作工艺并未出现较大改变。2005年10月傣族的原始制陶术被列为国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录。但令人担忧的是,目前傣族原始制陶出现衰退的趋势。我们呼吁,从保护传统文化的角度出发,应当寻找一条路子,使原始制陶技术能够继续传承下去。本文首先介绍了云南民间制陶的宏观分布以及制陶的历史与现状,进而分析傣族原始制陶的制作工艺、陶器的造型、装饰、使用的环境以及制陶技艺的整体特点。基于以上分析,进一步探讨傣族原始制陶的发展及影响因素,不难看出傣族原始制陶除受到本民族的生活、生产方式的影响外,还受到本民族所处的气候环境、地理位置的影响。此外,其他民族、其他地区的制陶技术对其也有相应的影响。之后,通过对傣族原始制陶术的系统了解从而分析这种古老技艺给予我们现代陶器创作设计的启示,表现为以功能为主的造型意识、和谐自然的装饰观念、手工制作的独特美感等,最重要的是它作为一门优秀传统工艺的载体流传至今,从而以利于我们更全面地认识这种原始的手工艺。本文还阐述了傣族原始制陶术衰亡的原因与后果,进而探讨了对其的保护和发展等问题。

【Abstract】 Instead of being an accidental miracle, the invention of pottery is the inevitable outcome of the social development. It is not only the result of the experience accumulation in daily life and practice, but also the result of the improved understanding of the world. It is the creative achievement that has been made when the human civilization developed to a certain phase.The "Primitive Pottery" that this thesis studies does not refer to the pottery in the primitive society. Rather, it refers to the original pottery-making technique with the characteristics of pottery in the primitive society, as contrast to the modern advanced pottery-making techniques. The main features of the "Primitive Pottery" are as follows:it uses clay as its raw material; it is baked in low temperatures (800℃) and is hand-made or made with simple wheel; it mainly uses marking, press, relievo and colored paintings as the means of decoration.This pottery-making technique first appeared in the New Stone Age and has been spread and developed throughout Yunnan Province. Until now, Dai people’s pottery-making technique, which is the typical representative of the most primitive pottery-making technique in our country, still preserves many of the features of the primitive pottery. It has been described as the living fossil. The investigation into and the research on Dai people’s pottery-making technique serve as the breakthrough of dealing with the pottery-making puzzles in the New Stone Age in the southwest part of our country.The Dai people’s ancient pottery-making technique stems from the primitive society. Although it has undergone the different developmental stages of the human society, Dai people’s pottery-making technique remains almost unchanged. On October,2005, Dai people’s ancient pottery-making technique was picked out on the State-Level Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection Name List. However, what worries us is that this technique has shown the tendency for decline. In order to protect this culture, we appeal that a way should be found out to enable this primitive pottery-making technique to continue to exist. In this thesis, the distributing of the pottery making in Yunnan Province and the history and actuality are introduced at first. Then, the making technique, the shape, the decoration, the environment of using and the whole characteristics of the pottery making are discussed. In the basis of the discussion, the factors which influence the development of Dai people’s pottery making are discussed. It is easy to draw a conclusion that the Dai’s pottery making is influenced by their daily lives and other spiritual factors such as sorcery, religion etc. Further more, other nationalities’pottery making techniques also influences Dai’s pottery making. In the end, the former discussion about Dai’s pottery making enlightened us on the modern pottery making art on the prototype, the decoration and the aesthetic feelings. As a traditional crafts in modern society, it is easy to understand it across-the-board. In the last part of this thesis, the reason and aftereffect of the decline on Dai’s pottery making are discussed. In this thesis, the protection and the development of Dai’s pottery making are also referred.


