

Study of Geotechnique Engineer Registeation on System

【作者】 付旭

【导师】 陈勇;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国的岩土行业正快速发展时期。然而,我国岩土企业的国际竞争力不强,并且缺乏高素质的岩土工程师。因此,建立注册土木工程师(岩土)执业制度,培养并规范一大批高素质的岩土工程师,成为了我国岩土工程体制改革、开拓国际市场的一个重要基础。因此,从规范执业秩序、保障工程项目安全的角度出发,2002年4月,人事部和建设部联合下发了《注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格制度暂行规定》,决定在我国开始实行注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格制度。这一制度的建立一方面填补了我国岩土工程专业技术人员执业资格注册制度的空白,对加强岩土工程体制改革、保证工程质量和施工安全必将带来重大而深远的影响,而且,注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格的建立将是促成中国岩土业与国际接轨的基础。本文通过理论分析和实践调查的方法,着重研究其在目前所存在的问题,提出完善这一制度的建议,使其更加符合中国国情又能与国际接轨。首先,阐述了我国岩土行业正处于高速发展时期,推行注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格制度具有积极意义。提出执业注册制度的概念,分析与我国目前的职称制度、专业技术职务的区别与联系。介绍发达国家的注册工程师制度背景。其次,就岩土工程与岩土工程体制的定义、我国的现行勘察设计体制与国外的建筑工程体制的对比进行分析得出推行注册岩土工程师执业制度对我国岩土工程体制改革的重要意义,并对注册岩土工程师执业制度的若干概念和现今在建立的过程中存在的问题进行解析同时提出解决的对策。然后,分析了我国注册土木工程师(岩土)执业资格制度考试平台的科学性与合理性,探讨了未来的可行性模式,此项研究对我国的岩土工程体制的建立、对我国注册土木工程师(岩土)执业制度的快速发展以及未来的工程质量安全问题具有重要的现实意义。最后,就继续教育、教育评估及社会信用制度的完善进行一些探讨,希望对我国的注册土木工程师(岩土)执业制度有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Currently,China’s construction industry is facing bright development opportunities. However,international competence of chnia’s construction companies is not of high level in international market,and lack of highly qualified recognized geotechnical engineers.Therefo r-e,to establish recognized geotechnical engineer system(’RGE’for short) and to train and standardize those professionals,has become one of the importance conditions for China to reform system of geotechnical engineering as well as to enter international contracting market.Based on the above,in April 2002,Ministry of personnel and Ministry of construction in China co-published’Provisional Regulation on Registered Geotechnical Engineers Syste-m’,in order to standardize vocational qualification system and ensure people’s safety.This Regulation has announced that China will establish RGE system.On one hand,establishment of this new system has filled up the vocational qualification system for Chinese professionals focused in construction phases,which will definitely bring important influence on establishment of reforming of Geotechnical engineering,and therefore ensuring the quality and safety of construction projects.On the other hand,the establishment of RGE system is basic for Chinese construction industry to join the international system.This paper emphasizly research the current problem of RGE system,by theoriesanalysis and practice investigate of method,and presents some suggestions of perfecting it.This can make it match more Chinese state and join the international system.Firstly,this paper elaborate that our Chinese geotechnical engineering is in a high speed developing period and promoting RGE system has a aggressive meaning.It put forward the concept of Registereed Professional Engineer system and analyze the differentiation and contact between practicing qualification system and profession technique job.It also introduct the background of developed nation’s Registered professional Engineer system.Secondly,it analyzes the definition of geotechnique engineering and geotechnique engineering system and international construction system.It makes a conclusion that promoting RGE system is very important to our Chinese reforming of geotechnique engineering system.It also analyzes some concept of RGE system and some problems of process of establishing RGE system.Meantime,it put forward the methods of solving these problem.Then,it analyzes the science and rationality of the examination of RGE system.It study the future possible mode.This study is very important to the development of RGE system and the safety of construction industry.In the end,it study the continue education,education valuation and society reputation.I hope these can have some benefit to RGE system.


