

【作者】 曾玉娇

【导师】 李文尧;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 云南金牛厂铅锌矿产状陡、厚度薄、下延不清,采用常规物探方法寻找该类隐伏矿体难度大,故在该区开展EH-4法应用研究。连续电导率剖面法(Consecutive Conductivity Method)简称EH-4,是一种新方法,它是以介质的电、磁性差异为基础,通过观测和研究人工或天然电磁的时间和空间变化规律来解决地质问题的方法。EH-4具有灵敏度高、探测深度大、可进行张量观测,可利用天然场源和人工场源等优点。在金牛厂矿区是首次被用来勘探铅锌矿体。本论文首先总结了EH-4、区域地质、矿区地质的现状和EH-4基本理论、测区地质特征,在确保野外采集到的数据有效的前提下,根据金牛厂矿区岩、矿石的电性特征对野外勘查技术和资料处理技术进行了研究,并总结出有效的EH-4物探技术。本次工作采用有效的EH一4技术扩大了Ⅰ、Ⅱ号已知矿体走向延伸,Ⅰ号已知矿体的向下延伸,发现平行已知矿体的找矿有望异常。EH-4在金牛厂应用取得了较好的效果。全文共分为六章,第一章绪论,第二章EH-4理论基础,第三章区域地质概况,第四章矿区地质,第五章EH-4的应用研究,第六章结论。前四章的内容主要为第五章的研究提供指导和理论依据,而第五章主要是对EH-4方法技术的应用研究,获得的主要新认识如下:1.EH-4水平磁探头方向偏差θ与视电阻率存在相对误差,它们之间的关系为:视电阻率相对误差与θ的正切值的平方成正比,建议采用θ≤3°;2.EH-4在电极距MN同等误差下,测量计算的视电阻率误差是直流电测深电阻率误差的两倍,建议控制MN极距误差≤1-2%为宜;3.对于局部地质体,EH-4野外勘查网度采用50×25米最为合理有效,大于此网度将很难圈定局部地质体(矿体);4.EH-4资料处理采用张量数据、X方向及小于0.5的圆滑系数对直立、薄的矿体的圈定效果较好。

【Abstract】 The occurrence of Jinniuchang,Yunnan province Pb-Zn deposit is thin,deep and the downward extension is unclear.In order to search for the effective exploration method of this ore deposit,we have carried out the study on effect of EH-4 method. EH-4 is a geophysical exploration technique, which study the rock under the ground through emitting and receiving electro-magnetic wave that from nature or manpower. It can explore the depth beyond one thousand kilometer. There have not used any geophysical exploration technique to explore deposit and we are the first time to use EH-4 exploring Pb-Zn deposit.In the text, we summarize the condition of EH-4, regional geological and geological environment of mining area firstly. We study the effect of EH-4 in explorative technologies in the field and dealing data techenologies and concluding the effective method according the base of EH-4 theories and regional geological condition and geological environment of mining area.Under the effect technology of EH-4, the trandward and the downward of known deposit is to enlaege,and the prospects of parallel deposit.The application of EH-4 has got good effect in jinniuchang.The full text is divided into six chapters, the chapter1 is introduction, the chapter2 is the base of theories, the chapter3 is regional geological condition, the chapter4 is geological environment of mining area,the chapter5 is the application and search of EH-4, the end of is the conclusions and suggestions. The contents of the front of four chapters are to supply the base of theory for studying in the chapter5, and the chapter5 make success through the graph of data inversion and deducing the formula, and to get the key findings is as the follow:1.To enlarge the prospect of known orebody and find the news’throuth EH-4;2..EH-4 is affected by the deviation of magnetic probe and apparent resistivity and their relatives is tangent2θand the suggest is 3°;3. In the same length error of EH-4 electric pole, measure error is twice DC’and the suggest is 1%-2%;4.50×25 meters grid is the most affective and reasonable and it is difficult to delineation the deposit if beyond the grid;5.1n dealing data,X direction scalar data and less than 0.5 smoothing modulus can be better distinguish orebody.


