

【作者】 丁超

【导师】 左小清;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着卫星遥感技术的快速发展,高空间分辨率线阵推扫CCD卫星遥感影像应用越来越广泛。传统的影像纠正方法需要采集足够数量且分布均匀的地面控制点,但是在云贵高原地区由于高差较大,地面特征不明显,或因人员难以到达,或因没有足够时间来处理,地面控制点的获取往往比较困难。因此,研究云贵高原缺少控制点甚至无控制点条件下的线阵推扫CCD卫星遥感影像几何纠正具有重要意义。本文首先介绍了前人的研究成果,在系统分析前人研究成果的基础上,针对SPOT5-1A级影像和CBERS-02一级影像进行了试验。本文通过Erdas 9.2 LPS模块对SPOT5-1A级影像进行了无控制点和缺少控制点条件下的几何纠正试验;同时利用GDAL命令行工具分别针对SPOT5-1A级影像和CBERS-02一级影像进行无控制点和缺少控制点条件下的几何纠正试验。在试验的基础上,进行了精度对比分析。研究结果表面,在无控制点条件下,通过卫星遥感影像自带的辅助数据文件对其纠正,进行对地目标定位效果不太好,需要继续深入研究;在缺少控制点条件下,进行对地目标定位是可行的,有较好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Satellite remote sensing technology, high spatial resolution push broom linear CCD Satellite remote sensing image has been widely used. The common method of geometrical rectification need collect enough Ground Control Points which is well distribution. But at Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, with the relatively large height difference, ground control points are more than a little difficult to achieve, due to reasons like that the ground features are not obvious enough, or it is difficult for researcher to arrive there, or there is not enough time and so on. So it is of great significance to research on geometric rectification of satellite remote sensing image in conditions of lack of GCPs or without GCPs at Yunnan-Guizhou plateau.The previous research results is introduced at first. On the base of Systematic analysis of previous research results, tests are conducted based on SPOT5-1A and CBERS-02 level 1 imagery. SPOT5-1A image is certificated in the conditions of lack of GCPs and without GCPs by Erdas 9.2 LPS subject.M Moreover, an open source imagery processing library, is introduced to carry out the correct test with its command line utility, for SPOT5-1A and CBERS-02 level 1 imagery in conditions of lack of GCPs and without GCPs. On the base of these tests, a comparative analysis is conducted.On the condition of without GCP, it shows that the result of correcting the satellite remote sensing imagery with its auxiliary data is not good enough. Further study need to be carried out in the future. But in the condition of in lack of GCP, it is possible to positioning for ground, and has a good perspect.


