

【作者】 蒋兴义

【导师】 赵俊三;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年来,随着我国城市化进程的加速推进,城市地域和人口不断增加,从而造成土地的需求量也日益迅速增长。在我国土地资源普遍短缺的现状下,城市化发展中各类型用地(包括农用地、建设用地和生态用地)的供需矛盾已日益尖锐。一是因为我国人多地少、土地总量供应不足,使得数量型粗放增长难以为继;二是现存土地使用效率低下、用地结构不合理,又造成大量闲置浪费现象;三是一些地方为了谋求短期、局部利益,不惜牺牲稀缺的土地资源。这种竭泽而渔的行为,加剧了土地的供求矛盾,带来了经济社会发展的一系列矛盾。针对以上土地利用的现实背景,我国许多城市已开始树立土地集约利用的思想,并在实践中进行了探索。五华区作为新昆明建设中的主城区之一,用地问题尤为重要。本文坚持“保障合理用地”的原则,进一步拓展节约集约用地的思路;通过建立城市土地利用系统及其三大子系统,在宏观和中观层面分别运用不同的定量方法对各个系统进行了集约度的评价和比较,在土地集约利用领域进行了系统的理论分析和评价研究,并给出相应的对策建议。本文主要完成了以下研究:①阐述了城市土地集约利用的新内涵:在“构建社会主义和谐社会”“可持续发展”的重要思想指导下,提出了基于宏观层面的土地集约利用新内涵;②建立一套新的城市土地集约利用评价指标体系。选取了城市土地利用系统整体、以及三大子系统分别作为宏观层面和中观层面的集约度评价对象,另外生态用地子系统评价指标的选取角度和含义均区别于以往的研究;③获得了针对五华区不同用地类型的集约度评价成果。对五华区土地利用系统及其三大子系统分别采用四种不同的定量评价模型,并结合调研数据,采用统计方法、“3S”技术辅助分析;④综合五华区区域特点及各种用地类型给出了提高集约度的建议和对策。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the urbanization speeding up in China, city regions and population continue to expand which cause demand for land increasing rapidly. As land resource is in wide shortage in China, the contradiction of supply and demand for each type of land (including farmland, construction-land and eco-land) are becoming increasingly acute. First, vast population and limited land made gross land be in short supply, therefore, the quantitative extensive growth is difficult to continue; Second, the low efficiency of land-use and unreasonable land structure cause spare and waste in existing land. Third, a number of places to seek short-term and local interests at the expense of the scarce land resources. The acts, exacerbated the supply and demand of land conflicts brought about the economic and social development of a series of contradictions. To deal with the reality of land-use background, the ideas of intensive land-use have been built up in many cities in China and explored in practice. Wuhua District is one of the main urban areas of new Kunming building, the land issue is particularly important.In this article, hold on the principle of land for reasonable protection, to further develop the idea of land-intensive. Through establishing urban land-use system and its three subsystems,different quantitative methods have been utilized from macro and middle layers to evaluate and compare the intensive extent for every system and subsystems. make a systemic theory analysis and evaluation study on the land intensive utilization field, and then the measures have been proposed.The main Research of this article includes:①The new connotation of urban land intensive utilization has been defined. Under the guidance of significant thought of "constructing harmonious socialist society" "sustainable development", the new connotation of urban land intensive utilization based on the macro-layer has been defined in this article;②The new evaluation index system of urban land intensive utilization has been constructed. Choose the urban land-use system integration as the evaluation subject of intensive extent from macro-layer, and choose the three subsystems as the evaluation subject of intensive extent from middle-layer in this article. The selected angles and implications of evaluation indexes of every system and subsystems are different from the former researches;③The evaluation achievements of intensive extent of different land-use types which aimed for Wuhua district has been gained. Through adopting four different kinds of quantitative evaluation models for land-use system and its three subsystems in Wuhua district, and combining with data from investigation, use the statistical methods and the "3S"technology to assisted analysis.④The measures and proposal aimed for the different land types of Wuhua district, which improve intensive extent have been given.


