

【作者】 戴磊

【导师】 段万春;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 素质教育是目前国家正在提倡的一种教育观念,已经不是传统意义上的教育模式或方法。怎样把学生在学校里学习的知识转化成学生的综合素质并体现在日常的生活中,这就需要结合高职院校自身的具体办学特点以及学生潜质发展来实现。在以就业导向的背景下,高职高专院校应根据当前社会发展的需要,结合高职高专学校自身发展的实际情况,必须尽快运用以就业为导向的素质人才培养模式,能够较好地改善目前在以就业为导向背景下实施素质教育的各种问题。在以就业为导向的素质本位人才培养模式中,知识结构、思想品德、能力素质、身体素质是构成人才素质的四个重要要素。需要说明的是,在这四个要素之间他们并不是彼此孤立存在的,而是相辅相成的,并且四个要素处于我们所说的人才素质的不同层面,通过四个要素间的相互紧密联系才能构成人的全面发展。本文通过研究现有的高职院校学生素质综合评价模式和当前社会发展对高职院校学生各方面素质的需求,分析了原有模式在评价目标、内容和方法上都存在许多不足,主要表现为定性分析和主观判断研究较多,定量分析和客观评价研究较少;指标设计过粗,指标体系过于陈旧,指标体系中要求高职高专学生应该具备的素质已经不能满足时代发展的需要。尤其是道德素质、能力素质。由统计学基础知识可知,学生素质是用文字描述的品质标志,具有模糊性和不确定性,无法用精确的数值来衡量,为此,本文通过建立多层次模糊综合评判模型,以期达到客观有效地综合评价高职高专学生素质的目的。本文通过对高职高专学生素质调查分析,构建了高职院校学生素质综合评价指标体系,该指标体系由两级指标构成。评价体系采用模糊数学确定该指标体系权重,能够较好地体现当今高职院校学生应该具备各方面素质,使学生适应当代社会发展需要。

【Abstract】 Essential-qualities-oriented education is an educational concept, rather than a mere educational model or a kind of method. We should concentrate on how to apply theories in practice through combining the use of various aspects of vocational education with that of realizing the students’potential. The development of a higher vocational college is based on the demand of society, so it is urgent to build an essential-qualities-oriented cultivation model which is job-oriented. This should be a practical solution to the problems existing in current higher education, and which emphasizes competence cultivation.We need to point out that knowledge, morality, competence and physique are four key essences that a student’s all-around development need to be equipped with. Moreover, the four essences interact on an individual’s all-around development.In this article, we consider the social requirements for higher vocational college students and then analyses the drawbacks of the previous assessment target, content and method through studying the current assessment model of students’caliber. These drawbacks can be mainly seen from two aspects. The first is that there are relatively fewer quantitative analysis and objective judgments, but much more qualitative analysis and subjective judgments are involved. Secondly, rough index design, stable index system and the required qualities of a higher vocational college student are outmoded, for these criteria cannot meet the new era’s requirements. According to the basic knowledge of statistics, the high caliber itself cannot be measured by accurate data, so a multilevel fuzzy comprehensive judgment (FCJ) was designed to evaluate the vocational college students’ caliber. In addition, fuzzy mathematics is applied to the judgment in order to make further investigation on the college students’caliber and help them adapt to the fast developing society in a short time.

  • 【分类号】G715
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】231

