

Ethically Thinking on the Abolition of Compulsory Premarital Examination

【作者】 赵素

【导师】 韩跃红;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 早在上世纪五十年代,《中华人民共和国婚姻法》就规定:患有性病、严重肺结核、麻风病未治愈者禁止结婚。1953年12月,政务院文化教育委员会同意卫生部制定了《婚前健康检查试行办法》(草案),并交已经试行婚前健康检查及个别有条件试行的地方参考,我国开始在一些医疗条件好的地区推行婚前健康检查。至八十年代中期,计划生育政策在全国范围推行,为全面提高人口素质,有效引导公民优生优育,通过婚检来维护后代健康,促进家庭幸福,稳定社会秩序,1985年12月31日经国务院批准,国家民政部于1986年3月15日发布了《婚姻登记办法》,并于1986年9月1日与国家卫生部联合发布了《关于婚前健康检查问题的通知》,对办理婚姻登记手续做出必须出具《婚前健康检查证明》的明确规定,我国开始全面实行强制婚检制度。2003年7月30日国务院第16次常务会议通过第387号《婚姻登记条例》,并宣布自2003年10月1日起在全国范围实施。该条例没有继续规定审验《婚前医学检查证明》是登记结婚的一个必须要求,至此,我国取消了实行十多年的强制婚检制度。在我国公民社会发展进程中,取消强制婚检无疑是一件具有里程碑意义的大事。尽管它是适应我国社会转型的必然结果,是我国政府为更好地维护和促进公共健康而采取的具体举措,但婚检自愿后,最突出的问题就是全国范围内婚检率的急剧下降,公众对自愿婚检并不买账,婚检工作陷入僵局。与此同时,婚检自愿还引发了一系列的伦理问题,如婚检法律规范的不明确引发法律争议;婚检自愿后部分不婚检者过度依赖对方诚信;主动婚检者知情权与隐私权之争等等。为此,社会各界反响强烈,说法不一。任何公共制度的变革往往都隐含着深层次的伦理原因,体现着社会价值观的某些改变,我国正处于社会的转型期,各种制度都处于调整和变革之中。如何辩证地看待婚检制度变革的价值内涵及其与现实之间的张力,如何应对婚检制度变迁所引发的各种问题,是我们需要研究的重要课题。本文透过种种争论,从我国自愿婚检的现状入手,概括强制婚检在我国的实施历程,指出强制婚检存在的弊端,阐明取消强制婚检的历史必要性。同时对比国外婚检发展的伦理趋势,强调自愿婚检的伦理价值,分析我国取消强制婚检的伦理原因,揭示自愿婚检的历史进步性。对婚检自愿进行伦理思考,并提出自愿婚检完善的伦理建议,指导人们的实践。相信这些对于探讨今后我国婚检工作如何开展具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Back in the fifties of last century. One of the regulations of Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China is that who is suffering from venereal disease, severe pulmonary tuberculosis, leprosy is not allowed to marry. On Dec 1953. Administration Council Committee on Culture and Education approved Ministry of Public Health to pass the Trial methods of Premarital Examinition (draft) and submitted to the places where the trial has been carried out as reference.Since then China began the implementation of premarital examinition in some areas with good medical conditions.Since the mid of 1980s, the family planning policy was implemented in the country.To improve the comprehensive of population quality and effectively guide prenatal care, premarital examinition is helpful to keep future generations health,promote family happiness and stabilize social order. Dec 31, 1985, committed by the state council. Ministry of Civil Affairs issued Marriage Registration Method on Mar 15,1986, and jointly issued Notice of Premarital Examinition with the Ministry of Health on Sep 1,1986.The clear provisions of premarital examinition should be taken before registration of marriage symbolized that China began a comprehensive system of compulsory premarital examination. The 16th executive meeting of the State Council got across No.387,Marriage Registration Ordinance on Jul 30,2003, and announced the implementation across the country on Oct 1.2003, which did not continue to require premarital examination certificate is a must to registration of marriage.Thus the practice of ten-year compulsory premarital examination system was abolished.During the development process of civil society.the abolition of mandatory premarital examination system is undoubtedly a landmark event.Although it is the inevitable result of social transformation and specific measures to safeguard and promote public health in China, the public didn’t accept a voluntary premarital examination. After the voluntary premarital examination, the most prominent problem is a nationwide sharp decline in the rate of premarital. Premarital examination work became at a deadlock. At the same time. Voluntary premarital examination also caused a series of ethical issues, such as Legal disputes caused by the uncertainty of premarital examination norms, over-dependence on each others’good faith and disputes of the right to know and the privacy right of premarital examination volunteers and so on. Society reacted strongly and varily.Any change in the public system of ten implies deep ethical reasons and certain changes in social values. China is in the social transition. Various systems are in the adjustment and change.How to dialectically judge the gap between the value of premarital examination institutional change and its application. How to deal a variety of issues triggered by premarital examination institutional change is very important. Started from the present situation of voluntary premarital examination, the author summarizes the implementation of mandatory premarital examination in China, pointed out the drawbacks and clarifies the history need of abolition the mandatory premarital examination. Also compared with the ethical trend of foreign premarital examination, the author emphasizes ethical values on voluntary premarital examination, analyzes ethical reasons of the abolition of mandatory premarital examination, reveals the historical progress of voluntary premarital examination,carries out the ethical reflection on the voluntary premarital examination, and improves the ethical recommendations of voluntary premarital examination which can guide people’s practices and show practical significance on exploring how to do the future premarital examination work.


