

【作者】 陶敏龙

【导师】 张召述;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 应用化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 透水材料实质上是一类非封闭性的多孔材料,能使雨水经过砖表面渗透到砖的下面乃至地下,用以补充地下水,这是近年出现的绿色环保路面铺设材料,可广泛用于公园、广场、人行道、住宅区等地的路面,具有调节温度、湿度,维护地表生态平衡的功能。磷渣作为电炉法生产黄磷产生的固体废渣,由于含磷和氟,对环境有污染,长期堆放占用土地,形成资源浪费。目前磷渣的主要用途限于水泥和建材行业,其资源价值未得到充分发挥。磷渣的综合利用符合国家环境保护、资源节约的战略发展方向,具有重要的社会、经济和环境效益。本文通过物理、化学活化技术,使磷渣玻璃体解聚并在水相介质下再度聚合成以硅-铝长链为主的类陶瓷体结构,制备出性能优良的低温陶瓷透水材料。试验研究表明:(1)机械粉磨增加了磷渣颗粒的比表面积,可以获得良好的粒度分布,使粘连颗粒分散,产生新生表面,形成表面缺陷,加快活性Si02、Al203的溶出,有利于外部离子的侵入,从而为磷渣活性的激发提供前提条件。(2)合理调配激发剂中Si02、A1203、Na20的组成,可以制备出抗压强度大于100MPa的低温陶瓷复合材料。(3)在激发剂一定的情况下,影响低温陶瓷透水材料性能的主要因素有粉体、骨料、水胶比、胶骨比、混料工艺和养护方式。在较佳工艺条件下,利用磷渣制备的低温陶瓷透水材料抗压强度大于40MPa,透水速度大于4mm/s。(4)通过磷渣颗粒相互搭接、互成骨架,形成大量连通的孔洞,使低温陶瓷透水材料在具有一定强度的同时具有透水性能。(5)磷渣制备的低温陶瓷透水材料的水化产物存在C-S-H及碳酸盐物相,不存在[SiO6]。而且[Si04]并不是呈孤立存在的,每个[SiO4]与周围的其它[Si04]连接呈三维网络状架构,反应体系中A13+离子基本上占据四面体配位位置,参与三维网络架构的形成。水化产物互相层叠,纵横交错,层与层之间相互紧密咬合,这是材料在具有众多气孔的同时依然保持高强度的主要原因。(6)技术经济分析表明:利用磷渣制备低温陶瓷透水材料具有优良的物理力学性能、经济性和环境协调性,为磷渣资源化提供了一种全新的技术方案。

【Abstract】 Permeable material is essentially a class of non-closed porous material that enable water to infiltrate through material surface and even below the ground floor of material, which would supplement the groundwater, which is a green environmental protection new product in recent years. It can be widely used in parks, squares, sidewalks, residential areas and other places of the road, keeping the regulation of temperature and humidity environment of people living, maintaining the ecological balance of surface features.Phosphorus slag is a kind of waste residue which produced in the process of fetching yellow phosphorus by electric furnace legal institutions, since containing the elements phosphorus and fluorine, holding-up for a long time, it not only brings about environmental pollution but also occupies land resources, leading to waste of resources. Phosphorus slag mainly confined to cement and building material industry in recent years, does not make the best of its resource value. Developing a kind of phosphorus integrative utilization technology, not only accords with the national environment protect and resources economy developing policy but also possesses important social, economic and environmental significances.In this paper, through physical and chemistry activation technology, causes the phosphorus dregs vitreous body structure depolymerization and gathers once again under the aqueous phase medium the synthesis by the silicon aluminum long chain primarily ceramics body structure, which is performance low-temperature ceramic permeable material. Pilot study shows that:(1)Mechanical grinding increase the pellet relative surface, obtain the good grain-size distribution, cause the adhesion particle to be dispersed, produce the newborn surface, form the surface defect, speed up active SiO2, Al2O3 dissolves, and be advantageous to exterior ion invasion, thus provide the prerequisite for the active display.(2)Deploy Na20、SiO2 and Al2O3 of chemical stimulation reasonly can be prepared more than 100MPa compressive strength low-temperature ceramic composite.(3)In the activating agent certain circumstances, affect the material properties of the main factors have powder, aggregate, water-cement ratio, mixing ratio, bone glue process and conservation methods. In the best conditions, the use of phosphorous slag prepared low-temperature ceramic permeable material compressive strength more than 40MPa, permeability coefficient more than 4mm/s.(4) Phosphorous slag cementations material particles overlap each other and form a skeleton, forming a large number of connected holes, so that low-temperature ceramic permeable material has certain strength but also has good infiltrate water function.(5)Low-temperature ceramic material by phosphorous slag exist CSH and hydration products carbonate phase, has microscopic structure which is similar with the opal, and there is no [SiO6], [SiO4] was not isolated, but each [SiO4] around with other [SiO4] connected with a three-dimensional network structure, the reaction system Al3+ion basically occupies tetrahedral coordination position to participate in the formation of three-dimensional network structure.(6)The technology economic analysis indicated that the low-temperature ceramic permeable materials has the incomparable competitive advantage, the society, the environmental protection and the economic efficiency are extremely remarkable.


