

The Study and Development of the Studnets Information Management System

【作者】 曹洪武

【导师】 张智斌;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高校办学规模的扩大,原有的手工管理方式已经不再适合于塔里木大学现有的学生信息管理需要,为了提高工作效率和管理水平,减轻学生管理工作人员负担,方便教师和学生在校园网上开展教学与交流,建设高效率的学生信息管理系统就显得日益重要。本次设计的系统是从塔里木大学学生管理的实际业务需要出发,研究并开发了一套适合学校实际管理需要的学生信息管理系统。本文首先介绍了课题研究的目的、意义、国内外研究现状和常用的开发技术,然后对系统进行了详细的需求分析,确定在系统开发时采用基于B/S模式三层架构,选择使用ASP技术和SQL Server 2005数据库进行系统开发,其中运用了UML建模思想进行系统分析,并完成了数据库的设计,最后采用模块化的编程思想,具体设计和实现了前台子系统、管理员子系统、学生子系统、教师子系统和班主任(辅导员)子系统。本毕业论文将对该系统的整体开发过程和功能进行详细的阐述。

【Abstract】 Along with the increasingly enlargement of higher education’s enrollment scale,the original management is no longer suited to the existing students information management’s needs of Tarim University, In order to improve working efficiency and management level, to reduce the student management staff’s burden, teachers and students can facilitate in teaching,learning and communications through the campus network. the reinforcement in the construction of the student information and management system is an efficient way for solving the prominent inconsistency.From the actual needs of the Tarim University’s students management, Research and development of a student information management systems needs for school to the characteristics of.In the first, the article introduced the purpose of research, the significance of domestic and foreign research and the development of technology used, then carried out a detailed system requirement analysis, On these bases, we determine to use the B/S model of three-tier structure, choice the ASP technology and SQL Server 2005 database management system to implement the system, then used UML modeling method to analyse and design the system in detail, Completed the database design.In this system we apply modulizing programming method as design principle.Finally,Specific design and implementation of a Future subsystems, administrator subsystem, students subsystems, subsystem and head teacher and counselors subsystem.In this paper,the system’s overall development process and functions will be introduced in detail.

【关键词】 学生信息管理UML建模数据库ASP
【Key words】 Student Information ManagementDatabaseUML modelingASP

