

【作者】 哈文雷

【导师】 张晓松; 戴海波;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 苏里格气田现场数据采集基本靠人工完成,巡井人员亲临现场采集井口生产数据,由于油气生产井数量多且分布范围广,人工巡井不仅加重工人劳动强度,且影响到现场监控与采油数据的实时性和准确性。本文针对目前苏里格气田落后的巡检管理方式,以实现对油田井站生产信息的远程检测和管理为目标,设计一套新型的基于C/S结构的电子巡井系统,其对于实现油气井管理自动化、提高工作效率、保证数据采集准确性及加强现场事故应急处理反应速度等都具有非常重要的意义。本文首先研究了巡井系统国内外研究现状,并在此基础上针对苏里格气田巡井现状,提出了基于C/S结构的苏里格气田新型电子巡井系统设计目标及系统总体架构。为便于设计实现及后期运行管理,将整个系统按功能划分为若干子系统。因时间、经验等所限,本文仅对苏里格气田电子巡井系统的考勤子系统及视频异常检测子系统进行了详细设计和实现,以及功能测试和分析。因考勤信息并发执行处理涉及系统安全性问题,本文对其应对策略专门进行研究。由于视频异常检测涉及到整个气田的视频数据,如采用传统视频异常检测算法,系统的处理效率不高。本文采用了一种改进的视频检测差分算法以提高系统处理速度。本文第一章绪论部分介绍了巡井系统的发展概况,目前国内外巡井系统的发展状况,开发技术和特点,以及苏里格气田电子巡井系统的应用背景和现状。第二章对基于C/S结构的苏里格气田新型电子巡井系统进行了总体设计,包括系统设计目标与开发思想,在此基础上搭建系统架构,并对系统进行功能子系统的划分,同时介绍了本系统开发的相关技术。第三章和第四章分别对考勤子系统及视频异常检测子系统进行了详细设计和实现,其中数据库采用SQL Server设计实现,界面及处理算法采用VC++ 6.0编码实现,同时对所完成的系统进行了功能测试及分析。第五章结论部分对全文工作及不足之处做出总结,并提出下一步的研究方向。本文为油田的现代化建设和数字化管理,以及电子巡井相关技术未来的研究和发展方向提供了良好的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the field data of Sulige Oil and Gas Field mainly were gathered manually, and the efficiency and accuracy of the field monitoring and gas producing data were influenced badly. So it was important and necessary to research and design a whole new kind of based of C/S structured electronic and intelligent patrolling and checking system.This thesis gave a general description of the development of patrolling and checking system. Under discussion of traditional solutions, a new whole scheme was put forward. In this thesis, the mainframe of the system was discussed, and the entire system was divided into functional sub-systems. And this thesis only gave the specific realization of the work attendance checking sub-system and video abnormality monitoring and detection sub-system. Functional test showed the sub-systems fit the expected goals. Also in this thesis, the work attendance checking information parallel processing strategy and a type of improved video abnormality detection differential algorithm was discussed.The chapter 1 mainly discussed the common techniques of the patrolling and checking system. The chapter 2 gave a description of the structure design and sub-systems division of the whole system. The chapter 3 and 4 separately showed the detailed design and implementation of work attendance checking sub-system and video abnormality monitoring and detection sub-system. The chapter 5 gave the summary of this thesis, and point out the next round research direction.This thesis’s research about newly electronic and intelligent patrolling and checking system provided successful experiences for the oil and gas field production modernization and related tech researches.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【下载频次】43

