

【作者】 李昆飙

【导师】 程伟; 张羽;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,社会公众对气象服务需求日趋提高,正在向多元化、多样化甚至个性化的方向发展。因此,建设一个多种服务手段、多种服务形式、深层次服务内容的地市级气象信息综合服务平台是社会发展的需求。数据库技术作为数据处理的公用支撑技术,已成为各级气象部门对气温、风速风向、相对湿度、降水量、天气现象等大量气象数据进行组织与管理的重要技术手段及软件技术,是气象信息网络化管理系统的基础。本文介绍了气象信息与数据库技术有机结合的理论和主要技术,分析和研究了国内外应用于气象信息服务的数据库技术,总结出相关软件的特点及应用于气象业务的不足,并根据ASP.NET和SQL Server 2005的技术特点,选择了基于ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2005数据库进行系统设计,系统开发主要包括气象预警指标库、中长期预报数据库、实时气象数据库、气象产品数据库、历史气象数据库、气象灾害数据库、水产养殖数据库、农业种植数据库等后台数据库的设计、建立和维护以及前端应用程序。最终,开发完成了适合湛江地区气象信息服务使用的气象信息综合服务平台。

【Abstract】 With economic development and the people’s living standards continued to increase, the public service to the demand is rising and advancing towards diversification, personalization diversity and the direction of development. therefore, to build a number of service and many services, deep-rooted services of meteorological information prefecture-level city comprehensive services platform is social development needs. Database technology as a data processing of the public to support technology has become departments at different levels of the temperature and wind, wind and weather phenomena relative humidity in precipitation, such large volume of meteorological data organization and management of technical means and meteorological information software technology, is a network management system.This thesis introduces the meteorological information and database technology the organic combination of theory and techniques, analysis and research and applied to meteorological information service database technology and the related software and applied to meteorological operations. and according to ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005, the technical characteristics of choice for ASP.NET and SQL Server 2005 database technology and a system design, Mainly include meteorological systems development index, medium and long-term forecast and meteorological databases real-time and meteorological databases products database, the database, the weather system databases, fisheries and agriculture special database for databases to the database design, build and maintain and any application. eventually, tap the finished suit zhanjiang area the weather information service use of meteorological information comprehensive services platform.

【关键词】 SQLserver气象信息数据库平台
【Key words】 Sqlservermeteorological informationdatabaseplatform

