

【作者】 张勇

【导师】 晏华; 孙小杨;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题针对古代针灸文献中治疗某一类疾病采用的经穴进行数据挖掘研究,主要采用古代有影响的针灸文献中治疗某类疾病用穴情况为原始数据,统计出治疗某类疑难疾病单穴或配穴的词频,确定筛选出的单穴或配穴的特定穴属性。在已确定的特定穴属性基础上,分析出现次数最高的特定穴以及特定穴配伍,结合针灸理论实践总结比较出治疗该类疾病的最常用的治疗用经穴,提供更多针灸配穴方案,为该类疾病在针灸临床治疗中的单穴治疗或多穴治疗提供有一定价值的参考,探究出众多针灸治疗方案的最优方案的可行性。具体方案如下:1)建立文本挖掘的二维表文档,标准化和筛选经穴穴位。列表示治疗某类疾病针灸文献的名称,行表示该针灸文献中出现的穴位名称。2)采用粗糙集理论以及文本挖掘方法预处理数据,发现数据中隐含和潜在有用的规律,进行经穴对证的重要性评价。3)使用关联规则算法,找出从多个穴位配伍层次分析用穴规律和发掘新的特定穴,用于经穴与症状、经穴与病机、症状与病机等的分析。探讨挖掘出的频繁用穴组合间的相互关系以及各医家辨证思维模式的差异,同时对各种因素影响下的选穴情况进行分析,从单个穴位角度反映医家个人的用穴特色和规律,分析医家的针灸处方规律和常用经穴组合。4)概括出经穴数据的基本特征,得出针灸辨证的基本规律,比较样本中各经穴之间的中医临床性质。

【Abstract】 This project aims at applying the data mining technologies on the acupoints of fourteen meridians applied to the treatment for certain kinds of diseases recorded in the ancient documents of acupuncture and moxibustion. With the data mining, the paper will count the frequencies of the single points or composite of points used in treating certain diseases and confirm the attributes of filtered points. Based the above information, these points with the highest frequency are analyzed and the most commonly used points are found according to through the acupuncture practice. More approaches of the combination of acupoints and some reference on the treatments of single points and compatibility of points in the clinical treatment are provided. It works out the feasibilities of optimized treatment. The detailed approach is described as follows:1) Two-dimensional table documents of texting mining is set up and the points are standardized and filtered. the columns of table represent the names of acupuncture and moxibustion documents in treating certain diseases and these rows stand for the names of points appearing in these documents.2) The rough set theory and the methods of texting mining are used to process data to find out the implied and potential useful rules from the data; to evaluate the importance of correspondence between points and symptoms.3) Apriori algorithm is used to find the combinational rules in the related points and mining new specific points, which is used to find relations between acupoints and symptoms, acupoints and pathogenesis, and symptoms and pathogenesis. The above results are used to probe into the relationship of the frequently applied points and the difference of the dialectical thinking patterns of doctors’; from the aspects of single points to reveal the doctors’ characteristics and rules on selecting points by analyzing the applied points influenced by the circumstances; to analyzing the doctors’ rules of prescriptions of acupuncture and moxibustion and the combination of common used channel points.4) The basic features of the data of acupuncture and moxibustion are summarized to work out the dialectical basic laws of acupuncture and moxibustion; to classify the things with similariites into same groups and the things with great difference into different groups by directly comparing the characteristics from samples.

【关键词】 经穴配穴数据挖掘文本挖掘
【Key words】 Channel PointsPoint CombinationData MiningTexing Mining
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】177

